okay, don't know if any of you watch Lost (I'm hooked, what can i say!) But ... It's a POLAR BEAR!!! The giant scary monster on the island (or at least one of them) is a giant polar bear....WHAT THE
Quitting tip top today. Freaking out. I don't want to be rude and have them hate me (which they probably will). But the upside is that in 2 weeks I should have my saturdays back and Friday nights to boogie!
I'm bored!! somebody post something to amuse me while I'm at work... or post a link to a cool site I can explore... do it .. you know you want to
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Yes so I am at work. And in truly out-of-character style I am making an lj post! *gasp shock horror* I know it doesn't happen very often, but when it does...it's generally full of crap
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However reality set in today as i realised the vasts amounts of uni work i SHOULD be doing... I always say this and make plans to do it and then somehow its the exam and nothing is done...oh dear.