Title: Who Herds the Electric Sheep Dreamt by Androids?
Pairing: Sakuraiba, minor Ohmiya
Rating: R for dirty jokes and mentions of
Word Count: 3922
Genre: Crack AU
Disclaimer: Don't own, all fiction.
Summary: One android, two angels, three in the lab (including two scientists), four who can't resist the mad scientist and five in total.
A/N: This was
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Comments 38
Also, it's a band??? Whose shirt Ohno once wore? Wow, I learn something everyday :D Haha I only know of the book and it's supposed to be a play on that.
Aiba the offspring of two miracles, Nino a guardian video game playing angel, the explanation for sho's sloping shoulders :D All of it was so much fun to read ♥
Take care dear and good luck with graduation prep
Thank you, didn't think graduation would be so much work :P You've been busy too right, and I saw your meme and I did something similar like that before too. And Arashi songs just kept coming up XD In really funny or fitting ways.
No matter where or what Nino is, gaming will always be there too :3
*hug and take care too~!*
thank you for sharing
XD this is awesome! robots seriously doesnt really interest so i actually hesitated but boy, i'm glad work decided to ask me to click and just read. this is so cute! made my day:D
Actually, robots and sci-fi isn't usually my thing either, but in my head it worked for the crack, somehow.
And, I just really wanted to write the paragraph of Aiba herding electric sheep, and everything wrote itself out to fit that ^___^
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