Title: Smile Hostage Refuge Pairing: Max/Craig, side dish of Max/Ronnie Rating: R - beware of the noncon. POV: First & third Disclaimer: Fake. Title belongs to The Used.
And such an interesting plot twist! I thought it was interesting he was trying to punish Craig, but then he seemed to know what he was doing, and it seemed like Max/Craig were in an established relationship (that's why I prefaced my comments by saying I don't know the fandom--I don't know the general assumptions... sorry... :( ) so it made sense, but then he was all surprised that Max was Max? And I went, "!!!"
BUT. YES! You go, copper! You find that dealer and SAVE MAX!!
I knew you might have problems with that part. See, Max and Craig are band mates and BFFL. Of course it won't stay that way, but Craig has a girlfriend (Gab) and his daughter (Leila), which is all real life stuff.
Comments 8
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No kidding, eh? It's midnight here. Shitty ass fuuuuck.
but I have one thing to say: you got me hooked.
<3 Thank you, it means a lot.
They're just much too lazy to comment :3
Oh!Oh! Oh! New chapter up! I'm of to read! 8D
I creeped yo page, and we're both Rev fans! Jimmy Sullivan ftw. Adding you as a friend ♥
And such an interesting plot twist! I thought it was interesting he was trying to punish Craig, but then he seemed to know what he was doing, and it seemed like Max/Craig were in an established relationship (that's why I prefaced my comments by saying I don't know the fandom--I don't know the general assumptions... sorry... :( ) so it made sense, but then he was all surprised that Max was Max? And I went, "!!!"
BUT. YES! You go, copper! You find that dealer and SAVE MAX!!
And Chase is just fucked, basically.
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