(no subject)

Dec 16, 2008 16:49

Songs make me think way more than they should. Read on if you want to hear vague wanderings on Bones, art, failed fic attempts and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

I wonder sometimes if I should blog here, because people (some of them anyway) know who I am. But there are times when you should just say screw it, you know? This morning I decided to not drive down to work and take the public transport instead, for the following reasons -
1. It was a great wintery morning and when I drive I get pissed off at traffic
2. I had to observe what shadows look at different times of the day (art assignment, don't ask)
3. I wanted to pick up a hazelnut latte.

There's no more Bones till Jan, so waiting on that (never thought I'd miss David B so much Lol. But then I find myself missing Jared too, so I guess maybe I'm just a crazy Bones fan). I have work today, and then I have to review this friend-of-mine's SOP. If they made me write an SOP about how much I want to get into the art industry, I don't think could stop writing. Snow is a great song by the way.

I'd never been an RHCP fan, until my brother played Can't Stop for me. His music is steeped in funk, he can't stop composing anything nowadays, and what can I say. It's not bad! Hey oh, listen what I say-oh! Come back and hey-oh! This song always reminds me of Cam and Zack kissing in the asylum when Cam comes to see him, and the camera just revolves around them. Go figure. I've been trying to brain out a fic corresponding to this, and I can't. I suck,so so MUCH. :P

Sad. People are right when they say that the Twilight series is fanfiction in a book. In my head it's Angel / Buffy angst meets fanfiction in print. Jeez, I could write better stuff.

As long as FFN and LJ exist, I am *so* not buying those books. I want Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys though. Saw Sleepers over the weekend. Again. That movie still depresses me, especially when I found out Brad Renfro died recently. At 25. 25! Who the f*** dies at 25?

Also, I cannot write for Bones, I just can't. I see things in my head, but I can't put it into words. Narrow focus. Meh. No time to speculate on light things, I have a life now. Work life anyway.

Bull. I miss being able to sit and just think. RHCP songs have weird lyrics. I should stop listening to music, I think too much.


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