Title: From JFK to Charles de Gaulle (chapter four) Author: le_ouiabooCharacter(s) or Pairing(s): America/fem!France, England, Canada, Russia, Spain, Prussia, OC!States, past Russia/fem!France
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It is fic like this that makes me wonder why some fanfiction writers don't become authors.
This fanfiction, in short, is a refreshing story to say the least. It's a bit short but it's properly paced so that it doesn't seem altogether rushed and offers a sweet, timeless tale that calms the mind and has one dreaming of sunny days.
It also reminds me a bit of my own adventures in France and has me missing everything from those cute outdoor cafes to my friends who gave me varying numbers of kisses upon meeting me. Thankfully I can always re-experience those things come September.
I'll be looking out for more of your work in the future. Bravo!
Thank you so much for the nice comment, I really appreciate it! I've unfortunately never experienced anything like this, but I'm glad people thought the story was fun and sweet and romantic, which is what I was going for. And you know, at least one other person thought it was over too soon, which amuses me.
So well written that I was excited the whole time I read it. It was also wonderful to read a story that was just happy. There was no extra drama, there was no giant underlying plot line of all these other things going on, it was beautifully simple and sweet! And because of that I think that's why I loved this so much!
I wish this would have happened to me in France! Hopefully I go back and maybe it does!
Wonderful fanfic, I can't emphasize how much I love this! Awesome!
Thank you again for your help! I really appreciate your feedback, I think it made the story much better. And of course, I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it.
Comments 8
This fanfiction, in short, is a refreshing story to say the least. It's a bit short but it's properly paced so that it doesn't seem altogether rushed and offers a sweet, timeless tale that calms the mind and has one dreaming of sunny days.
It also reminds me a bit of my own adventures in France and has me missing everything from those cute outdoor cafes to my friends who gave me varying numbers of kisses upon meeting me. Thankfully I can always re-experience those things come September.
I'll be looking out for more of your work in the future. Bravo!
Thanks again for your encouraging words.
So well written that I was excited the whole time I read it. It was also wonderful to read a story that was just happy. There was no extra drama, there was no giant underlying plot line of all these other things going on, it was beautifully simple and sweet! And because of that I think that's why I loved this so much!
I wish this would have happened to me in France! Hopefully I go back and maybe it does!
Wonderful fanfic, I can't emphasize how much I love this! Awesome!
It is a very nice story. Very cute and so romantic. I can't help but smile when I read it. So glad Alfred and Marianne found their happy ending!
it is so nicely spread put and the events happen in a timely matter...so cute!! love it!!
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