Cinema Summary

May 21, 2013 09:46

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Town delinquent and orphan, Jared, has known Jensen since high school. Mostly through Jensen’s step-father and the town’s Sheriff, Jeffrey Dean. Jared and Jensen are complete opposites-Jared is wild and boisterous and Jensen cynical and straight forward--but when a strange and frightening sickness sweeps through their town, they find common ground. Jeffrey gets a call from the town mechanic--Jim Beaver--who says that a client that came to pick up a car collapsed and died. Jensen, a medical student, tags along with Jeffrey to Jim’s shop. Intercepted along the way by the owner and waitresses of the town dine--Alona, Danneel, and Genevieve--who have a diner full of collapsed customers. Seeing the women are panicking, Jensen offers to stay with them and access the customers while Jeffrey goes to Jim’s. As they reach the diner, Jared comes rushing out of the hardware store next door, to say that the owner has collapse. The tornado/fire sirens of the town begin to blare, and cars begin to crash in the streets. The group takes shelter in the diner only to be run out by the now awake and vicious patrons. They meet up with the Sheriff and an injured Jim outside of the diner. A hoard of sick and violent townspeople begin to chase them through the street. They takes shelter in Sheriff’s office, but after a few hours, they decide that Jared’s families small, fenced farm would be a better place to hole up and take care of an ailing Jim. After collecting the supplies and weapons they need, they make their way towards Jared’s truck and the Sheriff’s personal vehicle-Jared, Jensen and the women in Jared’s truck and Jim laying on the backseat of Jeffrey’s vehicle. The streets are empty, too quiet, and yet a chaotic mix of miscellaneous trash, cars and bodies. Once in their vehicles, they group makes their way toward the edge of town. They are impeded by the rabid townspeople who have been alerted by the sound of their vehicles. Jensen is horrified to find that the townsfolk are already starting to decay. Jared ribs him for being fascinated. The mass of townspeople descend on the vehicles and break the windows out of Jared’s truck. The girls are pulled from the vehicle and Jensen and Jared are incapable of saving them. They are obviously upset. They keep going, running over and pushing through the mass of vehicles. Once past the mob and finally on the outskirts of town, they are stopped by Jeffrey who has had to shoot Jim along the way. Jeffrey explains that Jim attacked him over the back seat. They continue on their way to the farm. Once there, safe, and the house fortified, Jeffrey reveals that Jim has bitten him. He asks Jensen to shoot him. Jensen refuses and tries to form hypothesis about how that sickness is passed. Jared suggests they wait. Night falls and they try to rest, Jeffrey gets sick, Jared and Jensen argue. In the heat of the argument, Jared kisses Jensen. The kiss having ended the argument, Jared tells Jensen to get some sleep and that he would keep watch. Jared soon realizes that the farm’s fence isn’t protected enough to keep out the infected. He wakes Jensen up and they try to fortify the doors and windows. Jensen goes to check on Jeffrey, only to find him already feral. Jensen tries to shoot the man who raised him, but Jared ends up being the one to do it. Chaos descends on the farm and Jared and Jensen flee, taking with them what supplies and weapons they can.
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