Title: Ruki's Kinky Adventures 16/?
ldybastetFandom/Pairing: the GazettE - Ruki/Reita
Rating: NC-17/Adult
Content: Teasing, orgasm control/edging.
Summary: Ruki needs something else to think about when he can't have a cigarette... and Reita is suitably distracting.
Disclaimer: I'm not in any way affiliated with the GazettE or PSC and have no way of
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Comments 9
Ruki you little..TEASE 8D
I wonder if Reita wants to take a revenge, it'd be quite interesting~ *pervy grin*
I'm really looking forward to the next chap~~ :3
Now let me read it again. <3
YES, it is absolutely one of the reasons for loving him X3 He's so cuddly sometimes <3
Oh, and the part at the beginning about Ruki's shopping was a very nice bit of insight - the fact that he needs the material goods to remind himself where he came from, and that he's never going back there again. (Who says kinky porn fics can't have meaningful moments?)
Yay for Kink Bingo! You're off to a hell of a start this year!
We *make* our porn have meaningful moments! Because we rock like that. ;) I'm really glad that you like it.
Yessssss, kink bingo is awesome! (Funny thing is that I started writing this before a got my card, and then it fit perfectly!)
I missed you
This was so hot!
I wonder what paring it will be next <3
Keep it up
And nice to see you continuing this series. It has been missed. :D
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