((OOC: Anyone who would live around Vanishing Court can have seen him disappear, so that no one thinks he's dead or anything. However, until he gets back he will be incommunicado to all but Iris, though ProtoMan is still around
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Iris was walking by the café like she did almost every day. She didn't stop anymore, of course, not since LC had left. But she still walked by now and again. She had a feeling that if he showed up again, it would be there. Today, she seemed right. She stood, startled for a second, but regained herself. "Chaud?"
LC was of course startled out of his wits. He stared at her, mouth open, then promptly closed it. This is your world, dummy, he scolded himself. "I-Iris?" cue startled blinking. He stood up quickly. "Now I know I'm really back..."
"You were gone for over three weeks. Everyone thought you were dead," she completely ignored that fact that she knew he'd left on purpose and for a reason. "You should probably come back with me. If someone else sees you around and you don't go back you'll be in trouble."
"I would've been if I stayed," he said slowly. "I'm going to be in trouble either way. Why not now?" LC walked over to her slowly, pausing to leave a tip on the table for the waitress.
Iris got up slowly and went to put her empty coffee mug in the sink, then turned back to LC with a sad look on her face.
"No, Chaud, I can't. I don't know everything you probably should, for one. For another, I think it's best you find this out youself." She gave him a soft smile before turning to go. "I have faith in you."
LC blinked, startled, then looked back down at his coffee. He could almost see his own reflection. He tapped the side of the mug, causing a vibration in the liquid. Ripples. Like his life, forming and dying out.
He wondered what kind of ripples this new information would cause him.
Comments 28
Today, she seemed right. She stood, startled for a second, but regained herself. "Chaud?"
"I-Iris?" cue startled blinking. He stood up quickly. "Now I know I'm really back..."
"No, Chaud, I can't. I don't know everything you probably should, for one. For another, I think it's best you find this out youself." She gave him a soft smile before turning to go. "I have faith in you."
He wondered what kind of ripples this new information would cause him.
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