
Mar 28, 2008 21:05

Oi, guys, how do breaks go by so fast?! I've just got the weekend left of spring break then it's just two months until graduation, gah. I am so not ready for that. It seems like I've spent my whole break doing nothing but eating and watching old episodes of Bones, at least when not at work. Not that that's not a good use of time, I just want ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

foggy_bunny March 29 2008, 03:31:07 UTC
Now I want a taco...


jadedsurprises March 29 2008, 23:09:59 UTC
That was so fun! It was the cutest movie ever.

Even though I've been little amounts of work each day, I still have so much left to read! Why are professors mean? I'm locking myself down and getting things done tonight even if I'm not happy about it.

Good luck!


lbmisscharlie March 30 2008, 01:45:21 UTC
I've written like 5 pages but still have approximately 1.8 bajillion to go. GAH.


mrflibbleseyes March 30 2008, 00:29:59 UTC
I swear when I read your last entry you had like a whole week left, scary! It's not a bad way too spend a week, as long as you enjoyed it! I plan to spend this week doing much the same. Except I have to go to the gym as least twice - bleugh!

I really want to see Penelope and not just because I have a slight crush on James Mcvoy. This is now a reason to see it.

Good luck with your writing and I hope you get lots of cute clothes!


lbmisscharlie March 30 2008, 01:57:08 UTC
I did enjoy it, but it went by WAY too fast! Also, good for you getting to the gym, I've gotten so lazy especially since I got my car. It's actually kind of sad, hehe.

James is so, so, ridiculously adorable in Penelope! I definitely had a bit of a crush on him, too, and that *might* have impelled me to see it a little, haha.

I haven't gotten any new clothes as of yet, but I did buy a small pile of new books, yay! I always love having new books even though it seems like I never have time to read for fun any more.

Enjoy your break!


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