
Feb 20, 2008 11:24

Someone just posted the countdown clock for commencement - 100 days. I'm so in denial right now it's not even funny. That is not enough time! I'm not ready to be a real adult! Gah. Can't I just be a student forever?

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Comments 10

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lbmisscharlie February 20 2008, 17:25:10 UTC
Brilliant, I tell you. Now, if I could just find someone to finance it, I could get like eight PhDs. That's not weird at all, right?


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lbmisscharlie February 20 2008, 22:13:48 UTC
I know, really. They should pay me for acquiring all this important knowledge!


jadedsurprises February 20 2008, 17:47:19 UTC
Flick's stupid counter has the hours too. Everyone just needs to shut it. It's not happening.


lbmisscharlie February 20 2008, 22:14:30 UTC
I know! And the person was like "oh I need something to make it go by faster." WTF mate, is all I can say to that.


foggy_bunny February 20 2008, 21:17:53 UTC
And I graduate two weeks before you!


lbmisscharlie February 20 2008, 22:14:44 UTC
Insanity, I tell you.


foggy_bunny February 20 2008, 22:19:13 UTC
Let's run away and join the circus.


mrflibbleseyes February 20 2008, 22:33:29 UTC
For a moment I seriously thought '100 days till the end of the world?!'. I iz dumb.

I miss being a student, which is why I'm making every effort to become one again. Funded Masters degree, here I come!

It is a bit scary though, coming to the end of your student days. Don't worry, the real world isn't that scary!


lbmisscharlie February 21 2008, 20:13:15 UTC
Oh, 100 days till the end of the world is much scarier. I think, anyway. I do think what I'll miss the most about my student days is never waking up before 11. Because, seriously, morning and I do not agree.


mrflibbleseyes February 21 2008, 22:01:22 UTC
Possibly the thing I miss most as well! I'm positive the world would work better if the average start to the day was about 10.30/11 rather than 8.30/9.00. It would be so lovely.


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