Figured I might as well post some shots of the game Jeff and I are working on, to prove I am in fact not sitting on my ass all day every day. (Though technically, I am sitting since I do the work at my computer)
First, let me say that I took these quick, originally to show someone online late at night. Hence, they're uncropped and a bit large, and
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Comments 4
5-htp is an over the counter nutriceutical. It is the pre-cursor of serotonin. If you are on an SSRI, you have be off of it 2 weeks (minimum go flush out of system) before starting 5-htp. The converse is true.
I do not know how they interact. Only know that my cousin, a doctor who recommended I try 5-htp before my last time on prozac a couple years back, and my current primary doctor both strongly impressed upon me not to mix them.
I know that a friend went through 3 different anti-depressants before finding one that worked for him. If the weight gain or other side effects becomes a problem, you might want to try another to see if it is better suited for your physiology.
Hope it works out for you as you are in perfect health otherwise.
Yeah, antidepressants will do that. :D
On an unrelated note, shall we be seeing you tonight, or shan't we?
After a couple of months of Lexapro I switched to Zoloft, which is less hardcore, and generally still does all the things I need it to do to keep me sane, as long as I don't stop taking it.
Main things with Lexapro were the inability to orgasm (man that sucks) and feeling as though I was drowning the thoughts that would have otherwise upset me. I was very weirded out by knowing that there were all these things that made me desperately unhappy, and not caring. It was kind of overboard, but I can see how it might work well for some people.
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