Springtime_gen 2009 is HERE!

Jan 07, 2009 19:49

Springtime_Gen has started sign-ups: here

Sign-ups will continue till January 20, 2009.

Go on. You know you want to! Or I'll feed you to the cat.


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Comments 12

nightporters January 7 2009, 20:14:08 UTC
Not my fandom babe, but it looks fun. Good luck with it.


lazy_neutrino January 7 2009, 20:50:08 UTC
What a shame! But thanks for the good wishes.

(Do you read any HP fic? You have such excellent taste in other fandoms that I'm surprised you don't!)

...How goes work? Or maybe I shall look our for a post from you since at the moment this one of mine is not locked.


nightporters January 7 2009, 21:32:17 UTC
I can't slash where I've read the books and seen the films with my kids. It just makes me squick.


lazy_neutrino January 7 2009, 21:41:17 UTC
Fair enough!


catsintheattic January 7 2009, 21:36:44 UTC
YES! *\o/*

I'm filling out the sign up form right now. But still want to think about it a little more, so I won't sign up tonight.


lazy_neutrino January 8 2009, 07:53:06 UTC


Meow... burp! chthonya January 8 2009, 00:27:08 UTC
You don't want to feed me to the cat. I'd give her far worse hairballs than she could ever give herself.

Anyhow... are you going to screen comments on the sign-up posts? Because it lessens the anonymity somewhat!

(Yeah, posted this over on KH's LJ too - for whichever one of you sees it first)


Re: Meow... burp! lazy_neutrino January 8 2009, 07:24:12 UTC
Being discussed right now (well, the other two may be asleep, but you know what I mean.)


Re: Meow... burp! lazy_neutrino January 8 2009, 07:24:43 UTC
And there are lots of reasons why I would never feed you to a cat :)


sasha_davidovna January 8 2009, 01:04:03 UTC
Yay! Feel free to advertise this on omniocular.


lazy_neutrino January 8 2009, 07:23:25 UTC
Thank you! I sent an email asking just this question a few days ago, so thank you so much!!


fpb January 8 2009, 12:04:48 UTC
I have done your cat a favour - it would risk poisoning - and signed up. Now I have to find one damn beta - I never had things betaed, except a few times by Hijja - who isn't involved, which is going to be tough.


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