You are NOT old now. 'Cause I'm older than you by lots and I want some new bright red yarn for knitting into a Sekret Projekt and felting right now. Despite having, what, four things on the needles at the moment? ;__; I think I need an intervention.
And I wish you could've seen Bob The Manx this morning; I let his three weasle-brothers out to play, and he proceeded to snag one of 'em between his big white paws and bathe it from ears to tail; it was really cute. Had the best expression on his face too, very happy and smug.
Comments 2
And I wish you could've seen Bob The Manx this morning; I let his three weasle-brothers out to play, and he proceeded to snag one of 'em between his big white paws and bathe it from ears to tail; it was really cute. Had the best expression on his face too, very happy and smug.
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