Layout Style: S2 Flexible Squares
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Layout Width: 1000px
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Capture it, Dancing Script OT, Lilly, Celtic
Light Layout
S2 Flexible Squares
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/*----------SECTION: Tiny Icons----------*/
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/* USER */
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Images As They Appear In Coding:
Body Background: I just used a large image around 1800-2000 width.
Header Image Background: The header image is just a transparent image with a title for my journal.
.headerimage coding at the bottom and follow instructions on the
Multiple Backgrounds Tutorial.
More Headers:
More Background Images:
Layout Lounge SiteMore Tiny Icons:
Layout Lounge Site RULES:
No Hotlinking Images #4 under general
Header can be changed
Background image can be changed or removed.
Credit Necessary.
Went Through the Tutorials and Still Having Trouble? Comment.