Help Deck & Easy Fixes You Might Not Know About

Oct 11, 2012 12:45

No worries. We'll find the answer.So not everyone is a LiveJournal expert (I swear I'm not either). And, of course, there are those out there that are learning this all for the first time. So here are a few things that have come up that I hope will help beginners and people who just hadn't figured it out yet.

My Journal
  1. Getting Flexible Squares back after changing
  2. Change the number of entries per page
  3. Changing tiny icons (memories, tag, location, etc)
  4. Block of color behind layout
  5. No title or subtitle
  6. Removing page title in post
Header Section
  1. Changing navbar link names
  2. Header image multiplying
  3. Large gap under header image
  1. Moving userpic from left to right
  2. Get a future post to show up not schedule
  3. Renaming the comment links on posts
  4. My font not the same as your layout
  5. Don't see layout when in post
  6. Location, Music, etc (currents) missing from my posts
Comments Page
  1. Do or don't want to see theme in a post
  2. Comments aren't showing in thread form... all same width
  3. Weird Comment Bar Hovering on Page
  1. Change sidebar section titles
  2. Adding to my sidebar
  3. Calendar not showing after I enabled it
  4. Editing Tags
  5. Linked Images in sidebar
  6. Multiple Link Sections
  7. Don't want a sidebar
  8. Customize the sidebar userpic
  9. Numbers on Sidebar
Friends Page
  1. Friends page gap above header

The Answers

My Journal
  1. Changed from Flexible Squares and now you can't go back: You can get Flexible Squares back but only if you are a paid user. I created a whole tutorial about this issue over HERE. Some of you are not paid users and this means you've lost the ability to use Flexible Squares. I have made some of my layouts into Expressive which is very similar. My coding also helps you to identify what parts of the journal you are editing if you are used to editing Flexible Squares.
  2. Change the number of entries per page: Check out the Customize Your
    Theme>Display section. There you will be able to change the number of journal entries on both your page and your friend page in the Basic Options section
  3. Changing tiny icons: Check out my Tiny Icons Tutorial.
  4. Block of color behind layout: Are you using a Plus Account? Because chances are you are seeing some kind of advertisement block that is hindering a perfect view of your journal. My only recommendations can be that you down grade to a free account, upgrade to a paid account or move the advertisements to vertical so they are in your sidebar. You can find a tutorial about the LJ Advertisements here.

    example: click for larger image
  5. No title or subtitle: Well if you are using one of my layouts the reason is that I don't use them so I tend to enter the coding .title, .subtitle { display: none;}. If you want the .title and .subtitle you need to remove the display: none; and possibly separate the two into their own sections (example: .title { } and .subtitle { }). I usually give them a position of relative and then use margins to get them into the exact location I want them. You may also need to give them a z-index: 199; to make sure they show up on top of all other elements.
  6. Removing page title in post: So far there is no way to remove this from the Flexible Squares layout. I have not tried on other layouts. If a coding fix for this becomes available I will definitely post about it.

Header Section
  1. Chang navbar link names: Really easy change. Go to Customize Your Theme>Text and you will not only see a the titles of your Header Links but the text before your current mood, music and location, the next for your comments, your back and forward buttons and all the text above your entry (skiplinks) such as Memorize, Track, Tag and Edit.
  2. Header image multiplying: This tends to be an issue for Scrapbook users. The issue is that the header image is set in the layout to be the width and height of the image I shared with you. So if the Scrapbook feature resizes the image, it leaves you seen double. In the Scrapbook, select your image and choose the "Original" link. This will show you the original image and in your address bar will be the URL for the image. Use this url instead of the one Scrapbook supplied you with. Image Tutorial
  3. Large gap under header image: My header image coding is at the very bottom of my coding so go to the end of the coding and above the url there is width and height. The reason you are seeing a gap (or double) is because your image height is smaller than the height indicated in the coding. Match them up and things should work just fine. Image Tutorial

  1. Moving userpic from let to right: Sometimes when messing with the userpics we don't realize that there is an option we need to change in the Customize Your Theme>Display section. Under Additional Options choose the position of your user picture.
  2. Get a future post to show up not schedule: Click Scheduled Entries to find all future posts. What I would suggest is that you post this entry for today and then go into your post and change the date after the fact. This circumvents the Scheduled Entries feature.
  3. Renaming the comment links on posts: Really easy change. Go to Customize Your Theme>Text and you will not only see a the titles of your Comment Links but the text before your current mood, music and location, your back and forward buttons (footer section) and all the text above your entry (skiplinks) such as Memorize, Track, Tag and Edit. The Link text to leave a comment can just be a word such as comment which I use here. But the Link text to read comments should be laid out like this 1//# or 1 comment//# comments. I used the first option here so just a number appears. You can name yours anything such as Sing as your comment link and then 1 song//# songs. That was if you have 40 comments it will say 40 songs.
  4. My font not the same as your layout: I feel as though fonts really bring something to the layout, like icing on the cake. So when I create a layout I often list the special fonts I've used. Check my layout post for those fonts and then go to the Fonts I Like To Use post to download them and find a tutorial on how to upload them into your computers system. Refresh your page and you should see the font.
  5. Don't see layout when in post: Check out the Customize Your Theme>Display section. Under the Basic Options there is a "Disable customized comment pages for your journal. Choose No if you want the generic LiveJournal comments page or Yes to use the customizations in your layout coding. There is a tutorial HERE for this change.
  6. Location, Music, etc (currents) missing from my posts: Simply answer is that I forgot I turned them off. See I don't use them so I add this little line of coding... .currentlocation, .currentmusic { display:none; }. Find this line of coding (it will be in the Currents Section) and simply delete it.

Comments Page
  1. Do or don't want to see theme in a post: Check out the Customize Your Theme>Display section. Under the Basic Options there is a "Disable customized comment pages for your journal. Choose No if you want the generic LiveJournal comments page or Yes to use the customizations in your layout coding.
  2. Comments aren't showing in thread form (all same width): Entries # 1 applies here. Try changing the user picture position to reflect the changes you want.
  3. Weird Comment Bar Hovering on Page: Are you seeing a bar with action prompt hovering over your page. There is some coding you'll need to update... chec out Comment Bar Problems.

  1. Change sidebar section titles: Go to the Customize Your Theme>Sidebar Section. Not only can you turn different components on and off but you can change their title or remove it all together.
  2. Adding to my sidebar: Sidebar #1 applies here for adding and removing all components to your sidebar.
  3. Calendar not showing after I enabled it: Oops. I forgot all about turning off this ability. In the sidebar section of my coding you'll find #sidebar_summary, #sidebar_calendar, h2 { display:none!important; }. Delete this line and the calendar should show up in your sidebar.
  4. Editing Tags: You can edit tags or rename tags in the Manage Tags feature. You; however, can not move tagged entries to another tag. That you have to do manually in each entry.
  5. Linked images in sidebar: You are going to want to do this work in the Customize Your Theme>Sidebar Section. I have a tutorial waiting for you here.
  6. Multiple link sections: Go to Customize Your Theme>Links List. Here you can put in titles of links and link addresses. If your create a title without putting in a link you get another link list section. The first link list title can be edited in the Sidebar Section of the Customize your Theme.
  7. Don't want a sidebar: We can do this. Please check out the No Sidebar Tutorial which is for using a layout coding which is already set up for this. Or there is the Sidebar/No Sidebar Tutorial for changing layouts with sidebars into no sidebar layouts.
  8. Customize the sidebar userpic: Chances are, if you are using one of my layouts, that it is missing coding for the default userpic or just hasn't been customized. I don't usually have my userpic on my sidebar so it is something I tend to forget. The coding for this is .defaultuserpic { text-align: center; padding: 10px; margin: 0 0 8px 0; } and I would add this to the Sidebar section of your coding. This coding gives the userpic some padding and centers it. You can add additional coding such as a border though because of the padding the border might not be flush with the icon. To remedy that I would suggest removing the padding and using the margin for spacing.
  9. Numbers on Sidebar: Are you seeing numbers on the sidebar which you've not put there... almost like it is starting a bulleted list? Check out Random Numbers on Sidebar.

Friends Page
  1. Friends page gap above header: This was something I couldn't quite figure out until I stumbled on a post about Friends Page indentations at s2flexisquares. There is a coding solution but it can come with problems attached... See MIND THE FRIENDS GAP tutorial.

Click on image sot see what parts of your journal are called.

If the above doesn't help you, please...
  1. Supply example of your problem. If it is in a community please give me a link.
  2. Sometimes it can take me a little while to find the information asked for, so please be patient.
  3. I'm not currently taking requests but I'm more than willing to help you figure out problems with coding.
  4. Do NOT message me with a request for assistance. Please comment to a layout you are having trouble with or below. Replying to messaging with coding and other explainations is harder and prevents others from finding the solutions to the same problems.

help with: comments, ~help, help with: images, help with: sidebar, #sidebar_calendar, help with: tiny icons, help with: userpics, help with: header-navbar, #sidebar_summary, help with: entries

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