An interesting article from a magazine - 'My Husband and My TV Boyfriend’. Scan lifted from
annwyn55's lj, thank you love ♥
You should get your better-half to read this, you know, so that he'll realize he's not the only one. Heck, maybe they should create their own comm *g*
Once a week, in season, *inserts name of boyfriend* and I hang out, for slightly less than an hour in my living room. He talks, emotes, runs around and he shoots me and the camera the occasional white-hot, knee-buckling stare. As boyfriends go, he’s very low-maintenance : all I have to do is sit back and enjoy his company.
The certainty that I haven’t a chance in hell or on earth with him is what makes my husband accepts that I have a boyfriend at all.
One might also question whether there isn’t a not of irritated exasperation in hubby’s voice when he asks how often I visit internet sites dedicated to the other man in my life. Or when he catches me downloading a video or audio clip and says “Are you out of your mind?”
He's such a hottie, isn't he,
I first fall in love with him when he was the host for 'The Mole'. He's smart, he's cute, he's one hell of a brave guy and Oprah loves him!
He was among my very first crush when I was a wee little kid. I drooled at him when he was the dishy Mark Harris and I drooled even more when he became Bobby Ewing *LOVESLOVESLOVES*
I believe he's
shirebound's boyfriend, too *g*
I used to keep cuttings of his pics in a scrap book. He was also the reason I supported MU.
My favourite oncologist.
King of Men.
Fall in love with his voice. Among other things.
The man-boy.
My BrownLando, as
cloudlessclimes so aptly said.
And the WhiteLando.
James Dean reincarnated.
Don't think I'll ever stop loving him.
That sexy scowl gets to me everytime.
arabia764 knows why. O la la!
Jason Bourne is Love.
And the two men who are currently driving hubby up the wall ♥