
Sep 01, 2008 22:34

Today was my first proper full day of work, though I don't get my own classes till tomorrow. It was fine, but it was EXHAUSTING. I am sure it will be easier when I multitask, checking homework while students take quizzes, skimming answers, etc etc. But for now I want it all to be perfect, I want to go slowly and carefully so that when I speed up ( Read more... )

seoul, teaching, weather

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Comments 2

babelfish9 September 2 2008, 07:32:36 UTC
Hey can you e-mail me your address at some point? I feel like it would be a good thing to have.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: yay layna laynamarya September 3 2008, 15:37:14 UTC
It helps that the rain only lasted one day. :)


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