It would be soo cool if i lived in the BCs. SO cool. Ya know why cabbiages...because it just would be. For one, achilles! Woot if ya no what i mean jelly bean!
Today was fun! Me and Bune Fug went to mcdonadles (just like almost
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i do apologize. i look at all you guys journals...and man! theyz coolio...and mine.. POINTLESS. i would download all the TRILLIONS of pictures me lexi, liz, and june are all in...but i dont no how..:-
Hello. School was canceled today!!! yIP YIP HORRAY! i hate it so much. i guess it was too cold to go. o well. im waiting for my "friend" to get on. elisabeth isnt answering me! gosh! Me caitlin and june watched Wicker park. It was so frusterating! we were screaming at the tv for ever... and afterwards we all had head aches!!! But its so cute and un
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