Hey its that time of year again, tomorrow I move house. Will be offline till I manage to sort out a new net connection (which knowing me will be till Mia moves in and does it). Problem is due to working I've only had today to pack. I've managed to pile up some of my stuff. What with going to the zoo and watching the first season of Spaced I've
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Not updated for a while, mainly cause my life has been dull. Work, drink in retro, sleep, repeat and there's only so much of that you can bare to read
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I wish I wasn't able to randomly work things out. There's things in life that sometimes you really wish you didn't know. For fucks sake I hate having a fucking high IQ at times.
Well this was an amazing couple of games and drunken excess. You know its a good national when you don't have time to interact with any of the ST related plot. Only succeeded in angering 4 covenants though. The 5th actually asked me to defect to them. Still 4 out of 5 ain't bad. And then of course I survived the mighty wrath of Tiberius. A Humanity
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So I woke up a little late for work today and had to rush around madly to get ready. Reason probably being I only got six hours sleep last night. Of cours the REALLY F***ING annoying thing is the realisation as I'm about to leave the house that actually I'm not in work till 12 today. That and Kevin is still happily asleep, but having run around
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