Mar 21, 2010 20:13
One of the nice things about where my house is located, is that I'm not on a normal block. My street is shaped like the letter Y. Where the block splits, it's like an island, with two houses, back to back. One of those houses is mine. So I don't need to contend with people to my left or right, just one house to the rear, which is occupied by a twenty-something girl and her boyfriend. The house is owned by the girl's aunt, and they're saving up for a house, just paying a low monthly rent payment to the elderly aunt who lives elsewhere. They don't bother me all that much, except for their yappy dog. Don't get me wrong, I like dogs, but this particular dog rubs me the wrong way. That stupid dog is out early each morning with it's horrid high pitched barking. I'm sure he can smell the cats and bunnies that like to hang out in my backyard, so he jumps at the fence barking his head off ad nausium while its owners fail to bring him back inside. As I lay in bed most mornings, you'll usually hear me muttering under my breath, "stupid ass freggin yappy dog. SHUT UP you stupid little... OMG will someone please bring that dog back into the house!!!" I have a severe dislike for that dog.
Anyway, there is one other thing that drives me crazy about the neighbors. The boyfriend has a habit of taking late night phonecalls outside of the house. My guess is that he doesn't want to bother his sleeping girlfriend.. so he figures "what the hell-- let me go outside where all the neighbors can hear my conversation." Oftentimes, I'll hear him chatting or arguing over the phone even in the wee hours of the morning.
Last night was a beautiful one, and the bedroom was a little stuffy. It seemed like the perfect night to open a window. Having already undressed for bed, I took the chance that someone might be able to look through my bedroom window and I quickly rolled up the shades, undid the window locks, and opened the window. I didn't even check to see if someone was out in our neighbors' yard. They're adults after all- it's not like they haven't seen full frontal nudity before. With the room airing out, Josh and I retired to do what married people do when the kids finally go to bed, blissfully unaware of the neighbors.. until... afterwards.
When I returned from the bathroom, I accused Josh of listening to his MP3 player. He shook his head. "I thought that was you trying to talk to me from the bathroom," he said.
My blood pressure rose at an unprecedented pace as I realized that the noise was coming from outside. "It has to be that freggin guy on his cell phone," I thought to myself. "Doesn't he know it's rude to go out there making loud phonecalls after 11 pm. People need to SLEEP!" I was livid.
I went back to the window and threw open the shade, expecting to see the boyfriend lurking around near the front of the house on his cell phone as usual, but instead, there they were, standing practically outside my bedroom window. The boyfriend and girlfriend were embracing right next to my fence. Her back was to me, but his face looked right up at the window, where I stood in my glory, all tits and big round belly. So I did what any self-respecting woman would do. I ducked.
"He's not on the phone," I whispered to Josh as I climbed back onto the bed. "They're both out there. I think they're making out or something."
As I listened, I could hear most of their conversation now.. him talking, and her giggling. I looked at Josh. "Do you think they heard... like everything?"
Josh assured me that they couldn't hear what was going on in our bedroom, and for a second or two I thought he was right. It only lasted a moment before I heard my nemesis, the dog. Little yappy monster! "UGH, not the dog! I HATE THAT DOG," I hissed.
Josh told me to shut the window. "Just turn on the fan," he said, "I don't want to listen to that dog either." So back to the window I went, more covered up than last time, just in case.
As I closed the window, I saw the girlfriend running across the backyard after the dog. "Get back here," she shouted, "you're pissing off the neighbors!"
lj idol: 09-10