The Arcobaleno Legacy - 1.2

Jul 17, 2015 22:59

Sooo...Guess who's back! Me. And also Red and her family~
I played this part in september and until now I never found the motivation to edit the pictures.
I'm sorry for making everyone who was reading this legacy wait~

Since it's been a while, I'm going to copy and paste here the rules of this challenge (made for me and other people that don't like to follow difficult ones~):

  1. No cheats.
  2. Every generation will be based on one of the colors of the rainbow, in order: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. (I will also use names inspired on the colors.)
  3. The founder/heir's spouse will have the colors of the next generation, the new heir will be the first born with the spouse's hair color. (example: The founder has red colors, he/she will marry a sim with orange hair, the heir will have orange hair.)
  4. The colors of the house will change to the ones of the heir once the heir is a young adult. (so: the first house will be red until the heir will be young adult, then it will become orange.)
  5. All the traits, included the ones of the founder, will be random.

Feel free to use these rules for your legacies. If you do so, it would be great if you'd leave a comment telling me, so I'll be able to read them. Also, putting a link to my blog somewhere in the post, saying that you're using the Arcobaleno Challenge rules, would make me really happy~

Last time: Red got married to Arancio, a Bot-Fan guy who dislikes children. Yep, I have to say he is great father material for a legacy. *obvious sarcasm*
Unluckily for him, Red got pregnant and gave birth to a little boy named Orange. Sadly his hair is red, so he can't be the heir.

Orange is still a cutie, I'm sad he doesn't have orange hair.

Arancio: Hello world!
Aww I missed him!

It looks like after all Arancio doesn't hate his son.
Arancio: How is my future criminal~?
Oh yea, that's the reason, probably.

Arancio: This kid seems too good to become a criminal...

Since there's still no heir, Red is pregnant again.

Red: I know you won't like this...but we're going to have another baby!

Arancio: Tch...don't expect me to look after it...

Arancio is such a cutie when he is not hating kids.

Arancio: But I don't want more kids!
Red: Shut up. We need an heir.

Arancio: My future criminal is enough...

I took a lot of useless pictures like this just because I like Arancio's face.

Teaching Orange to speak...

Arancio: Why am I the one doing this...?

Orange doesn't seem too convinced about his father's teaching skills.

Just Red being disgusted on the toilet.

Oh my...

This is the kids' bedroom.

Red: Arancio, please go calm your son.
Arancio: Can't we just give him some new toys and let him play alone...?

Someone finally learned how to walk~

I think Orange inherited the love for the kids channel from his mom.

At some point I noticed Arancio scared for apparently nothing...

Then I looked in the bathroom and...yea, thank you Red.

Arancio: Damn that newspapers kid, it's all his fault my life sucks.

Nice face Red!

Red: Shaka bra!
Arancio: What the heck are you doing?

Red: How did he dare!!
Arancio: Haha, she is so NOT cool.
(Sorry for the floating "Red Arcobaleno" thing...)


Twin girls~

The one on the left is Naranja and the other is Aki (that means "Autumn" in japanese and that's why it's related to the orange color).

Naranja's traits are: Genius and Grumpy.

And Aki's ones are: Brave and Evil.

I always forget to delete the imaginary friends.

Arancio: This one is still my favorite!
Orange: Yay!

Stinky birthday time!

Orange: Can I take a shower before eating the cake?
Yes, please.

After the birthday, Red had to make an important call.
Red: Hello? I want to enroll my son in your school...

Orange: Thanks to you, they are sending me away!

Orange: Stupid kid, she won't even let me sleep.
He doesn't have the evil or mean traits, but thanks to his father teaching he could seriously become a criminal in the future.
Also, this is the last time we will see him for a while.

Toddlers toddlers~

Arancio went to visit some random acquaintance...

...only to steal their stuff.

Arancio: This chair is mine now.

Luckily no one noticed...
Arancio: Hahaha I stole all your stuff!

Woman: Haha what a funny joke!

I'm quite sure Red called the repair woman to repair stuff, not to stare creepily at her daughter.

It's time for Arancio to become an adult!

He is still more or less the same, but look at those wrinkles TwT

More birthdays!

Naranja got the Neat trait and Aki got Bot Fan (just like her father <3).

Okay, so here are all the pictures I took last time I played.
Unless I start to like a lot Naranja for some reason, I think the heir will be Aki, since I like her face and traits the most for now.
But who knows! I can't say anything for sure until I see them at least as teenagers!

Please leave a comment if you enjoyed this update~

    generation 1, legacy, arcobaleno, the sims 3

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