The Arcobaleno Legacy - 1.1

Sep 16, 2014 01:18

And here's chapter 1.1 of the Arcobaleno legacy~ I hope you'll like it!

Last time: our founder, Red, found a boyfriend named Arancio.

Arancio spent the night at Red's house, but all he did was reading on the bed...

While Red was reading in the living room.

Oh well, Red also gave him a massage.

Then they went to bed and they just slept.
Red, you just started your job, why are you already dreaming about begging your boss?

The next day Arancio was again a robot.

Breakfast + book reading.

What's that face...?
Red: Shut up and let me eat in peace.

These two autonomously flirt a lot.

Asdfghjkl his face.

Red: Since we're in a legacy, let's stop with all the flirts for a moment and let's talk about serious things.
Arancio: What?

Arancio: Oh my...what could it be?  *falsely surprised tone*

Arancio: Is it a ring?! OMG! *monotone*

Of course he said yes.

Right after that they decided to celebrate their wedding in private. (They don't have people to invite to their wedding anyway.)

Wedding pics:


Arancio taking a shower...

Arancio: La La Laaa! ♫
...and singing.

Red: Did I just marry that... "thing"?
Yes, you did.

After Arancio moved in, I noticed he had another love interest, so I invited her over...(her name is Katarina, I think...)

Arancio: So Katarina, you see, I met this cute girl the other day...

Arancio: ...and yesterday we got married.

Katarina: Oh! I'm happy for you!
Arancio: That's not how she should have reacted...

Arancio: What I actually meant to say is and me should just remain friends.

Arancio: Gya!

Then Red proceeded to mistreat Katarina.
Red: Get away from my husband and get out of my house!! NOW!
Arancio: She's so beautiful when she's angry...

When finally Katarina left the house, Red worked out a bit to get promoted at work.

Arancio eating on the toilet because there still weren't chairs in the house and Red was sleeping on the couch.

Let's proceed with the baby making...

Arancio: Ayyy.
I wouldn't be so happy if I were probably don't know what you're just going to do, right?
I take this opportunity to write Arancio's traits, since I don't think I've already wrote them:
Arancio Arcobaleno:

LTW Celebrity Psychic
Social Butterfly
Can't Stand Art
Dislike Children
Bot Fan


With the money Arancio took in after the marriage, the house has finally a sink, a table and some chairs.

Seriously, stop being so lovey-dovey, it's almost embarrassing.

And look who's pregnant~!

The last moment of happiness before a big fight...

Red: So...I know you really don't like kids, but it looks like I'm pregnant.

Arancio: Meh, boring...

Arancio: wait...are you serious? :(

He is obviously not happy about it.

Arancio: And now what will you do? Are you going to tell me that you like art?! Are you trying to kill me or something?

Red: Gosh! How can you be so stupid!

Red: I hope a meteor falls on your head!

Red: And by the way: orange sucks. Red is way better!

After they calmed down a bit, they started watching tv.
Arancio: Are you really sure you want that kid? You know that we'll have to spend a lot of money in kid's toys, right?

Red: Yes, but wouldn't it be great if our child become a criminal?
Arancio: Mmmm...

Arancio: Yeah, that would be good.

...what are you even watching that makes you do those faces? Is it still the kid's channel?

It looks like they made up quickly...

I was really scared he would have started a fire in the kitchen, but luckily nothing happened.

Red wanted a rocking chair, but now that she bought it, she doesn't look too happy...

Red: What are you saying? I LOVE this thing.
Okay...(she actually spends all her day on that, but she always makes that face.)

One day Arancio woke up feeling particularly robot.

And when that night he went to bed he was still feeling like a robot. (?)

He also showered in his robot suit.

But while he was robot-ing around the world *yeah, I don't even know what I'm writing anymore*, Red was going in labor.

And here's the first born of this legacy! (With Arancio that finally returned in his human form).
His name is Orange and his traits are: Neurotic and Excitable.
As you can see, unluckily his hair is red, so he won't be the heir.

Hopefully next time there will be orange haired children! See you!

generation 1, legacy, arcobaleno, the sims 3

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