Graphics dump: Icons, Friends Only, Headers

Jul 02, 2006 12:39

I have a pretty nice sized post for you guys, I'm sorry about there not being many updates lately. I won my first award!! I won 2nd place at
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patti lupone, idina menzel, hairspray, friends only, wicked, kristin chenoweth, bebe neuwirth, avenue q, broadway, julia murney, headers

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Comments 79

ellieptical July 2 2006, 17:24:18 UTC
These are fab. I've never seen the pics of Elphie on the untold story banner. Where are they from?


stars_n_garters July 2 2006, 17:27:34 UTC
Thanks :) I found them at


boysnoggage July 2 2006, 17:38:10 UTC
Hey, do you take requests? Because I've had a this idea for another icon you could do with the image used for number 102 for forever, and I've been wanting it made for so very very long..



stars_n_garters July 2 2006, 17:40:34 UTC
Sure! What would you like?


boysnoggage July 2 2006, 17:56:26 UTC
Whee yay.

Okay so, do you know Cabaret? Because if you do, you'll know what I'm talking about.

The first time I saw that picture, I was like..OMG Joel Grey has two ladies again, hahaha. And "Two Ladies" from Cabaret went through my head.

So, I was wondering if you could do something where you have the same image as you do in that icon, and I really like the text inside the white box. Is there a way for you to have text inside that white box say "Deedle dee dee dee" and then have it fade into "Two ladies..." or something like that?


stars_n_garters July 2 2006, 20:56:29 UTC
Yea, I'm framiliar with Cabaret. I don't know how to fade text though. So would normal text be okay?


le_kim July 2 2006, 17:45:45 UTC
Ahhh, these are SO gorgeous! I'm taking 36, 57, 71 and 78! I love me some Patti icons :D


stars_n_garters July 2 2006, 20:38:57 UTC
Thank you so much :) Enjoy them.
Ps: I like your Sweeney icon


le_kim July 2 2006, 23:40:42 UTC
Thanks! I love that icon too. It always makes me think of an overly happy Sweeney-which creeps me out a little bit. Why am I telling you this? :P


noirstories July 2 2006, 17:47:06 UTC
I just picked up the "Wicked" book. I look forward to reading it.

And my friend is absolutely obsessed with Idina Menzel.


stars_n_garters July 2 2006, 20:40:50 UTC
The books really good. It can be slow at times, but overall I really liked it.

Ah I love Idina too, shes very talented.


_teaspoon_ July 2 2006, 17:48:55 UTC
They're so very, very pretty! Snagging #13 and a few of the banners. Thanks!

Did they purposely spell 'congratulations' wrong in banner #3? I think it looks weird.. [not your banner, btw, just the change in spelling.]


boysnoggage July 2 2006, 17:58:26 UTC
It's the "Ozspeak" way of saying it.

Like "confusifying" and "disrespectation", etc. etc.


_teaspoon_ July 2 2006, 18:00:41 UTC
Eh.. I still think it's weird that they only changed one letter instead of revamping the entire word, like the other ones. It could easily be misconstrued as a misspelling..


boysnoggage July 2 2006, 18:03:06 UTC
Yeah, I never liked that one too much. *shrug*. "Swankified" is still one of the most amazing words to just randomly plop into your vocabulary, though.


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