45 icons, 1 friends only banner

Jun 16, 2006 14:55

I'm not sure how well you will like these, but here goes nothing....
[25]Stock (random, puppies & kittens)
[20]Fashion (a few Kiera Knightly)

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stock, fashion

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Comments 32

drama_queen01 June 16 2006, 19:05:27 UTC
i ADORE these. seriously. i love all the vibrant colors paired with some sad-appearing images.

I took numbers:
3, 13, 14, 16 of the first set

2 and 7 of the second


stars_n_garters June 16 2006, 19:10:14 UTC
Thanks so much :] Enjoy the icons


pickyourselfup June 16 2006, 19:07:08 UTC
So gorgeous, dear. :)


stars_n_garters June 16 2006, 19:10:45 UTC
Thanks :]


black_orchid77 June 16 2006, 19:10:03 UTC
Wow I really love these! esp 13:)


stars_n_garters June 16 2006, 19:11:31 UTC


that_evening June 16 2006, 19:17:32 UTC

I was wondering if you have ever made any icons of "The Light in the Piazza"? I know you make some Broadway icons now and then, and I was wondering if you had made any of that show. :)


stars_n_garters June 16 2006, 19:20:00 UTC
I don't think I ever have, the show is marvelous though. I'd be happy to make some though. Do you have any pictures you'd like to see made into icons?


that_evening June 16 2006, 19:22:25 UTC
That would be be wonderful! I don't have any pictures but I'm sure whichever scenes you do will be wonderful!


_cheri02 June 16 2006, 19:18:18 UTC
I love these! They are so full of color! Most icons are so dull and beige but these are beautiful! Wish i could take some but then what would i use them for i have too many as it is lol Love them tho! Great job!


stars_n_garters June 16 2006, 19:21:59 UTC
Thanks so much :]


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