Title: Unconditional Love
Pairing: YunJae/JaeHo
Genre: AU, Romance, fluff and possibly slight angst
Author: DLavenie
Length: Chaptered (12/13+epilogue)
Summary: Popular Yunho, mute Jaejoong - they come from two completely different worlds. What will happen when they collide? Will there be any chemistry between them? Or will they just act like strangers
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Comments 44
Yunho, you better chase after him and make it clear of your love to Jae.
*wink* Thanks for reading *hugs*
Sorry for the late reply!!!!!!I know I'm damn late!! Have been busy!
Aigoo..Jae ah, your insecurities are acting up on you again. Hwaiting Yunho!! Don't give up!!!!
ohh JaeJae, you can't run away, you know? "lavenie-2619" will get you realize your feeling for Yunnie-ah and get you back to him soon, cause there's only one chap and an epilogue left. If you want to keep running, maybe you should wait till lavenie-2619's next work.
Oh, this one hasn't finished yet and I started to looking forward to your next one. Hey, that's all because your story is really good.
Keep writing. Thank you
The new one? I'll have to think about a new story line now (= Aa.. thank you, thank you. For sure, I'll write more. Thanks again nee? *hugs*
A;lsdk;lskdlfks;dkf!!! "Thinks" D: I can't believe I missed that, I'm sorry I fail at this! DDDD: *crawls into a hole and hides*
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