Spring in Imladris (LotR, Arwen/Eowyn, Pic Drabble)

Jul 22, 2009 23:51

For my fellow A/E shipper, the delightful ithiliana, and as a late entry for the International Day of Femslash celebration this past weekend.*

Title: Spring in Imladris
By lavendertook
Fandom: LotR
Pairing: Arwen/Eowyn
Rating: NC-Purple
Form: Illustrated Drabble; 100 word Picfic
Disclaimer: The characters are Tolkien's, not mine--I'm just borrowing them. I didn't make these cool dolls--Toybiz did. However, the setting is of my own arrangement. Ain't no money in playing with dolls, so no worries about that.
Click on any pic for embiggment

They slid from the bench into the yielding green of an Imladris spring, no longer guarded by old enchantment, yet numinous still in the unfurling leaves' and emerging blossoms' newness.

Eowyn lay enraptured in her Elven lover's arms:

"It was but yesterday when the finest fingers cupped my chin, and but a breath above the Bruinen's song, you said,

'Think you the Evenstar's love so faint, it cannot shine on you as well?'

I was stunned beyond all reckoning."

Arwen smiled, "We share so much--our troubles, the burdens of our peoples. Why not this joy? Why not this joy?"

Text only:

Spring in Imladris

They slid from the bench into the yielding green of an Imladris spring, no longer guarded by old enchantment, yet numinous still in the unfurling leaves' and emerging blossoms' newness.

Eowyn lay enraptured in her Elven lover's arms: "It was but yesterday when the finest fingers cupped my chin, and but a breath above the Bruinen's song, you said, 'Think you the Evenstar's love so faint, it cannot shine on you as well?' I was stunned beyond all reckoning."

Arwen smiled, "We share so much--our troubles, the burdens of our peoples. Why not this joy? Why not this joy?"


*Like many other folks in fandom, I have some issues with the term "femslash," for making the feminine the marked category once again. Personally, I'd prefer "slash" to be an all-inclusive term for any romantic/sexual/bonded pairing or groupings written by fans of a text/performance/public persona, even including het and relations between beings of any currently designated or imagined genders, or lack thereof. But I do recognize that in current use in online fandom, it seems to be used more often to refer to male/male pairings, hence the marked designation for female/female pairings, and the lack of widely used designations for any gender variations that don't fit those designations neatly. So I'm working with what we've got while I grumble about it.
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