Yeah, those gifs pretty much sum up my feelings toward this episode. I've decided they are pretty much just hopeless and now that Yuu has been completely shut down, I've really got no reason to keep watching them. Fanon just deals with them so much better than canon does. :p
I already feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders since I dropped it. It was essentially 2 classes anyway, because I had homework and tests in the lecture, and lab reports and questions to answer for the lab as well. So it frees up a lot of time for me to focus on statistics, which I'm not doing as well in as I would like.
I still kind of feel like a failure for having to drop such a low level class, but I do think it was the best. After all, with my brother's wedding to go to next month plus packing and moving (all while still going to school and working), I doubt I would've been able to give chemistry the attention I would need in order to improve my grade.
Thank you for putting up with (and reading) all of my boring, emo chemistry rants these past few weeks. ♥
Psh, don't worry about it - we're all here to help you and to just listen to your problems! <3 I think you did the right thing - it's always a little disheartening to have to drop a class, but it's okay to just say that you don't have the time and energy to put into it. I am confident that you could do really well in it, but like you say, you'd have to put a lot of work in, and I think there are definitely other things you should put all that energy into right now! <3
Hi, sorry for the creepy stranger comment, I'll be gone soon, but I just wanted to say WORD to this whole post, and thank you for your thoughts. I'm so glad someone else feels the same way about this couple and episode, it helps with the frustration when one goes to forums and all you see are people fawning over their messed up relationship *coughdomesticaabusicaIMOcough*. And yes, it's been a long 2 weeks... (I guess it's been bothering me, heh)
No need to apologize for the comment! It's always nice to find other people who agree with my opinion! XD Domestica is just so frustrating! I know exactly what you mean by seeing people on forums who continue to support them in light of all the bad aspects of their relationship. I just wanna smack some sense into all of them. :p
At least we get Nostalgia back this week! (Though at the moment I'm still busy fangirling Yokozawa no Baai. *__*)
Haha, you're very nice, I'm glad the comment didn't seem too weird then ^^ Yeah I try to just stay away from all forums now because even if you try to be reasonable and discuss their shortcomings it mostly gets ignored.. w/e. Their relationship just seems so forced and unnatural, even disregarding the novel canon I don't like this couple.
ANYWAY, omg, I was going to say I haven't actually read the Yokozawa no Bai summary yet holding out in vain for a translation, somehow, so can't fangirl them properly yet, but I just saw your post on the comm! WOW Going over there now *-*
Comments 8
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I still kind of feel like a failure for having to drop such a low level class, but I do think it was the best. After all, with my brother's wedding to go to next month plus packing and moving (all while still going to school and working), I doubt I would've been able to give chemistry the attention I would need in order to improve my grade.
Thank you for putting up with (and reading) all of my boring, emo chemistry rants these past few weeks. ♥
(I guess it's been bothering me, heh)
At least we get Nostalgia back this week! (Though at the moment I'm still busy fangirling Yokozawa no Baai. *__*)
ANYWAY, omg, I was going to say I haven't actually read the Yokozawa no Bai summary yet holding out in vain for a translation, somehow, so can't fangirl them properly yet, but I just saw your post on the comm! WOW Going over there now *-*
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