1.How do I give you credit for your icons/colorbars/banners?:
To use any of my graphics credit MUST be given. There is no reason not to do so!
All you need to do is either a)Put made by <*lj user="lavender_tea"*> directly under the banner in your entry or b) Put FO banner made by <*lj user="lavender_tea"*> in your user info. Please remember you must take the "*"s out or the it will not work.
2.Can you do requests?:
Yes, I can do reqests for icons, colorbars, FO banners, headers and user info banners. You can request an idea for a mood theme but I may or may not do it, Please make a comment
HERE to place your requests.
3.Can I change this icon a little?:
NO! Do not change my work at all!(this goes for FO banners & colorbars too)
4. Can I change the saying for this colorbar?:
Only if in that post I have stated you can change the saying.
5.I want to be an affiliate of
__riddikulus___! Can I?
Please go
here and leave a comment with a link to your community and I'll reply to your comment with a "yes" or "no" to accepting you as an affiliate.
6.Can I post in your community?:
No, Only I will EVER be able to post graphics in this journal.
7.Can I use your icons/graphics on other journal sites (Greatestjournal and so on)?
Yes, but credit MUST be given and after
__riddikulus___ please put lj so people know its from livejournal. Also you still need to comment telling me what icons you are taking and please leave your journal name and what site you will be using them on.
Alright if you have any other questions let me know.