thankthatstar wrote in
Mar 24, 2010 23:33
justine: wants to marry him,
face: can't see you tay,
taylor: is a ninja,
blakeleigh: loves him lots,
hair: a la jacob black,
holy shizz tay: you're strong,
taylor: is perfect,
hair: i love it,
clothes: shoes as jacob whaaaaat,
crotch shots omg,
cibele: is lmaoing,
location: new moon set,
holy shizz tay: your ninja skillz,
clothes: sweatshirt,
omg: icu peekaboo abs,
people: new moon crew,
face: idek,
hair: i wanna run my fingers thru it,
things we ♥: taylor in general,
things we ♥: his ninja skillz,
action: being adorable of course,
action: in motion,
action: falling on his ass,
clothes: a la jacob black,
taylor lautner: the next mr. universe,
action: ninja,
lol @: falling on his ass,
era: new moon,
holy shizz tay: your abs,
clothes: shorts,
hair: wonderful,
face: laughing,
taylor: is adorable,
gifs are my weakness,
holy shizz tay: your legs