thankthatstar wrote in
Feb 08, 2010 23:57
so addicted to: sports,
cibele: is staring at ass-ets right now,
justine: wants to marry him,
clothes: nike,
face: determined,
hair: lovely,
action: being illegally sexy,
holy shizz tay: your ass-ets,
taylor: so illegally sexy it's not funny,
holy shizz tay: your neck,
clothes: football uniform,
face: game face,
cibele: can't breathe,
hair: i wanna run my fingers thru it,
things we ♥: ass-ets,
clothes: omg i love your shoes,
taylor: is an athlete,
clothes: baggy shirt and shorts,
holy shizz tay: your calves,
um secks me,
hair: cute,
holy shizz tay: your arms,
location: celebrity beach bowl 2010,
clothes: football gloves,
things we ♥: taylor in general,
clothes: under armour,
action: in motion,
blakeleigh: will freak out with squees,
face: concentrating,
oh taylor we're drooling right now,
action: playing football,
elyssa: can't even handle it,
things we ♥: hands!,
hair: wonderful,
taylor: met a lot of celebs today,
face: intense,
holy shizz tay: your legs