Joy! And also ficklets!

Jan 09, 2014 22:46

Still don't know how many people are still reading on LJ/DW, but since it is More Joy Day, if you would like a ficlet, drop me a comment with a prompt and a pairing/character, and I'll write something. Probably won't be today, but it will happen ( Read more... )

more joy day

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Comments 5

blackrabbit42 January 9 2014, 23:04:07 UTC
Sam/Deanaccidentally get a gift meant for someone else.



de_nugis January 9 2014, 23:12:27 UTC
Oh, West Wing! How about something involving CJ, Toby, and Gail the goldfish?


killabeez January 9 2014, 23:21:09 UTC
Friday Night Lights! ♥ How about Tim and Jason and a reunion dinner? ETA: p.s. that could be either a literal high school reunion, or it could be specific only to them. :) Your choice!


cherie_morte January 9 2014, 23:42:42 UTC


deirdre_c January 9 2014, 23:55:27 UTC
Sam/Dean, foot massage ;D


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