The Battle of Evermore: Chapter 1

May 01, 2011 17:43

Title: The Battle of Evermore: Day One
Chapter: One
Word Count: 5,148
Characters: Jack, John, Ianto, Owen, Gwen, Tosh, Rupesh Patanjali, Alice Carter, Stephen Carter, Agent Johnson, Clem MacDonald
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, John/Rupesh
Summary: A sequel to my stories When the Levee Breaks and Hots on for Nowhere that continues on to Children of Earth. 
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Violence, character death, swearing, sex
Spoilers: Seasons 1, 2, & 3
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or any of its characters

Author's Note: This is a sequel to my stories When the Levee Breaks and Hots on for Nowhere. Those should be read first.

The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath

Dr. Patanjali approached the visitors, "You two know the deceased?"

Jack, clad in his usual blue overcoat, nodded solemnly and answered, "Yes, he was our neighbor. We don't think he has any family."

The young doctor led them into the room with dead body and Jack asked sadly, "Could you give us a moment?"

The young doctor obliged and left them alone. As soon as he did, they got to work on removing the object inside the dead man using a laser scalpel. John, dressed in snug jeans and a leather jacket, snickered, "You two. He thinks we're a couple."

Jack groaned and rolled his eyes, "In your dreams."

John licked his lips lasciviously, "Every night, but of course those dreams usually involve darling Ianto as well."

Jack glared in response, which only served to encourage the rogue time agent, "I still don't understand why you won't let me visit more often. Are you afraid of a little competition? That's understandable; we did get awfully close when you abandoned him for the Doctor, again."

Jack lowered his voice to a growl, "One more word and it'll be you on this slab."

They were interrupted when Dr. Patanjali stepped back into the room, "What's going on here?"

Jack paid no attention to him and finished what he was doing. He took out an alien organ and placed it into a containment case. Meanwhile, John looked the young doctor up and down telling Jack, "You take that back to the base, and I'll deal with this."

Jack walked toward the door, "Fine, just don't kill him." He then left quickly, frustrated with himself for letting John rile him up. Even though Ianto said he wasn't angry about the incident when the Earth was stolen, Jack still felt incredibly guilty for leaving him at the Hub. He couldn't remember a time in his long life that he had ever felt so protective of another human. For decades Jack had lost himself in his work and lived at the Hub, but now he had a life outside of Torchwood and looked forward to the end of the day.

Leaving the hospital, Jack noticed something strange: children in their school uniforms were standing completely still. Two of them were standing in the middle of the crosswalk, holding up traffic. Loudly, horns were blaring and people were shouting to the children but they were unresponsive. Jack immediately phoned the Hub as Tosh answered, "There is something strange going on with the children near the hospital. They're not moving."

Jack could hear Tosh's fingers lightly tapping away and she gasped, "Jack, I'm looking at the CCTV and it's not just there, it's all the children in the city. Get back here as soon as you can."

John had cornered the shaken doctor into a supply closet. He was nervously looking toward the door while also keeping an interested eye on John. "Are you Torchwood?" Rupesh asked timidly.

John's eyes flashed mischievously, "Torchwood? Never heard of 'um. My partner and I get our thrills stealing organs, livers are my favorite."

"That was no liver." Rupesh continued, "Was it alien?"

"Yes, it was a Hungarian gall bladder." John answered with a grin and took a step closer making the young man very uncomfortable.

Rupesh pushed John away and made for the door but was stopped by a cold hand on his shoulder. He glanced at the leather gloved hand and knew it was not flesh and blood. Turning around, his eyes were wide making John's playful smirk grow. As he removed his glove, Rupesh gasped seeing a fully functioning metal hand that John showed off with a flourish of his fingers. After an instant of shocked silence, Rupesh asked, "Are you a . . . cyborg?"

John laughed heartily and used the confusion to pull the doctor into a searing kiss. Caught up in the moment, Rupesh allowed John to draw him close and could feel his very human hard on. John purred into his ear, "I'll pick you up tonight and show you just how human I am." John then exited the small room, leaving behind the flustered young man.

At the Hub, the team was scrambling to find out what had happened with the children. Owen was sitting behind Tosh who was working away at her computer. "If I could only get my hands on a child, I could get a better understanding of what was going on." Owen said in frustration.

Gwen scoffed, "Get your hands on a child? Are you a doctor or a fairy tale villain?"

"Intellectual curiosity only. It's not like I'm even capable of molesting anyone . . . not that I would if I could."

Gwen rolled her eyes, "I'm glad we cleared that up."

Before Owen could defend himself further, the cog door alarm sounded and Jack entered carrying the containment case. "Tosh, any news?" He asked with interest.

Owen approached him and took the case, eager to finally examine the alien organ up close. Tosh stood and crossed her arms, "I'm almost definite that this is alien, but I couldn't quite pinpoint the signal being used. If it happens again I can cross check the patterns and at least decipher the frequency."

Jack raised on eyebrow, "You think it's going to happen again?"

Tosh sighed, "We both know it is."

Jack nodded his head in resigned agreement. The entire situation was making him uneasy; it was all too familiar to something dark from his past. Suddenly he had the desire to speak with Ianto; when he was distressed somehow his lover's voice was the only thing that calmed his nerves. As he spoke with Ianto, John entered the Hub looking rather pleased with himself; Jack could only imagine what he did with the young doctor. When he saw Jack on the phone, John ran over and asked in an excited voice, "Is that Ianto? Let me talk to him."

Without waiting for an answer, John grabbed the mobile away, "I had a lovely morning . . . no, I met a dark beauty and made arrangements for tonight . . . a doctor . . . no, I locked him in a supply closet . . . it was totally consensual . . . you're just jealous . . . what are you wearing?"

At that Jack snatched away the mobile and quickly said goodbye to Ianto.

Tosh was monitoring the CCTV outside the Hub when she noticed a man had been pacing there for some time. She sighed; sometimes their activities attracted attention leading to someone staking out their base. Solutions to the problem usually involved retcon and creating believable back stories. Since she didn't have time for it that day, she made an announcement, "We have a fan outside if someone would like to deal with it."

John came over to the monitor and smiled, "This one's mine." He then fixed his hair and headed out through the cog door.

Since Ianto's departure, the little tourist shop had fallen into disrepair and was hardly ever open. The only times were when John was feeling impish and wanted to give bad advice to tourists. His conman skills were so well honed that none of them even noticed he wasn't Welsh and couldn't pronounce half of the locations he was describing.

John leaned in the doorway of the small shop and watched Rupesh pacing anxiously. He called out smugly, "I didn't take you for the site seeing type."

Upon seeing John, he quickly approached him and asked directly, "Is this the Torchwood base?"

Giving an exaggerated look of confusion, John answered, "I have no idea to which you are referring. This is a simple tourist shop and I am a humble guide." John lowered his voice and flirtatiously added, "Perhaps I can show you around?"

Ignoring him, Rupesh pressed on, "I heard a rumor that your doctor died and I'm interested in joining."

John laughed, as a joke the month before he had hacked into the government's system and had Owen declared legally dead, "Just because he died doesn't mean he's not still working here."

Rupesh gave a bewildered look and John smoothly eased in close to whisper, "However, I do have a position I think you could fill."

A deep blush covered the young doctor's face as he felt the same rush of adrenalin and arousal he had felt in the supply closet of the hospital. Using that split second of honest reaction, John took his hand and pulled him away from the Plass toward a parking garage.

"Jack! They're doing it again!" Gwen shouted over the com. She had been assigned to monitor the local schoolyard for any more strange activity since everyone decided Owen could never pass as a parent, Jack was too recognizable, and Tosh was busy monitoring government activity. The children had all stopped simultaneously and began to scream. The scream soon subsided to a unison chant of we are coming.

This time, Tosh was able to pinpoint the frequency the alien's were using. Jack asked her what it was with obvious apprehension. She turned to him and said, "4 5 6."

Jack's face dropped and he ran for his office. It took him nearly an hour but he was able to find the documents he was looking for. He had never filed them in the archives as he never wanted anyone to know about the horrible act he had performed at the behest of his government. Although the mission was top secret, he had logged every detail he could find as he had the horrible feeling it may happen again.

Picking up his phone, Jack called John Frobischer's office to offer his assistance should it be needed. However, he was not allowed to speak with the man and was asked to leave a message. He left his name with the young receptionist and sat back at his desk, deep in thought. Something was wrong. With his clearance and reputation, he had never been denied the opportunity to speak with a government official. Suddenly, he realized that the government may be just as ashamed as their last contact with the 456 as he was. That would mean they would be looking to tie up any loose ends.

Jack rushed into the main Hub to find only Tosh and Owen. "Where's Gwen?"

Owen answered while keeping his eyes glued to the news broadcast, "We had a call about a grown man shouting the same words as the children. He's at an institute and she went to speak with him. I was going to follow her but it seems my car has been stolen . . . again." Ever since John had learned to drive, he loved taking Owen's little car for joy rides.

With a serious voice, Jack commanded, "Get her back here as soon as possible. Also, call John in. We have a possible code yellow."

Tosh's eyes went wide. A code yellow meant a hostile threat from another government agency. Owen asked in annoyance, "Where are you going?"

Jack stopped right before the cog door, "I'm getting Ianto and taking him to safe location."

"I don't know what's going on Rhi. Are the children alright?" Ianto asked his sister over the phone. He could hear all kinds of noises in the background.

"I hear nothing from you in months and now you're concerned about our wellbeing. You couldn't at least pay a visit?" Rhiannon Davies asked in annoyance.

Ianto replied sheepishly, "I'm sorry. I've been going through a rough patch lately. I'm just worried is all."

Rhiannon sighed; she'd forgotten how sensitive her little brother was. "We're fine for now. Come by more often . . . I miss you."

"I miss you, too." Ianto responded and then said goodbye.

Soon Jack came flying through the front door, "Ianto! I need to get you away from here."

"What's the matter?" Ianto asked seeing the look of panic on Jack's face.

"I can't tell you. Believe me: the less you know the better."

Ianto searched Jack's face and could tell that there was no changing his mind. He sighed, "Fine, but I'm not going to the Hub."

Jack nodded having expected that after the whole affair with the Daleks Ianto wouldn't want to be sequestered in the Hub again, "I'm taking you somewhere else just so you're out of harm's way."

During the drive Jack was very quiet and Ianto had to speak first, "So what is going on with the children?"

Jack was silent for a moment thinking of what exactly to tell him, "I can't say."

Ianto rolled his eyes at Jack's vague response, "Well, then I can assume it's alien."

Jack nodded grimly and reached out to squeeze Ianto's hand. He hated keeping secrets from his lover, but he wanted him as uninvolved as possible. Ianto had forgiven him a lot in their relationship, but he didn't think anyone could forgive him for what he did all those years ago.

Pulling up outside a pleasant looking house, Jack finally spoke, "We're here."

"Where is here?"

"My daughter's house. I've kept all my ties to her and her son sealed so no one should know we're related. You, Alice, and Stephen are the only family I have; I need to know you are all safe."

This was the first time Jack had referred to Ianto as family making the young man's heart flutter. He reached over and pulled Jack into an achingly passionate kiss. Jack held him close and whispered, "When this is all over, I'd like to make it official."

Ianto whispered, "What do you mean?"

"I'd like to make you officially my family."

Ianto's eyes went wide and he couldn't even stammer a response, but Jack kissed him again, "You don't have to say anything just think about it."

Jack had told Ianto briefly about his daughter and grandson but he never indicated that he wanted Ianto to meet them. Suddenly, the young man was extremely nervous, but Jack took his hand as they walked to the door and rang the bell. Answering the door, Alice was not particularly thrilled to see her estranged father. However, young Stephan came running and launched himself into his arms calling, "Uncle Jack! I haven't seen you in so long!"

Jack returned the enthusiastic hug with a wide smile that Ianto didn't know he was capable of. Alice was looking over Ianto with a skeptical eye that made him even more uncomfortable. When Jack parted from Stephen he rose and put his hand to Ianto's back, escorting him into the living room. He beamed as he spoke, "This is my boyfriend, Ianto Jones. I thought it was about time you met."

Alice gave a forced smile, but Stephen greeted him politely and asked, "Do you like dinosaurs?"

Surprised at the question, Ianto stammered, "Yes, I suppose I do."

The young boy grinned, "Good, then come see my collection." He then took Ianto's hand and led him to the next room.

Alice led Jack into the kitchen and spoke in a harsh, low voice, "With a day like today, I suppose it was only a matter of time when you would come looking for a child to experiment on. Well forget about it."

Jack sighed, "That's not why I'm here. I need somewhere safe to keep Ianto. I'm involved in something dangerous and I want him out of the way with someone I trust."

Alice could see the concern on her father's face making her soften, "Are you really that serious about him?"

Jack nodded, "I love him . . . He's my world."

Crossing her arms and leaning on the counter, Alice huffed, "Fine, just as long as you don't intend to involve Stephen and I."

After a moment of silence, Alice spoke again, "Isn't he a bit young? He's probably fifteen years younger than I am."

Jack shrugged, "Age doesn't matter to me."

"Well, it matters a great deal to the rest of us." Alice responded but then paused and continued, "But I suppose if you're happy that's the important thing. I'm glad you're not alone; I worry about you."

Jack pulled Alice into a gentle hug, "I wish I could visit more, but I don't want Stephen getting too attached. He'll be better off having a normal life and the occasional visit from his uncle than an immortal grandpa."

"Thank you, Dad. I know how much it hurts; he's a wonderful boy."

Jack whispered, "Of course he is; he has a wonderful mother."

Walking back out to the living room they were joined by Ianto and a gleeful looking Stephen, "Ianto knows everything about dinosaurs!"

Jack laughed, "Ianto knows everything about everything. I have to go back to work but Ianto is going to stay here and play with you a while longer. Is that alright?"

Stephen nodded enthusiastically as Jack turned to leave. Before he did, Ianto joined him on the porch, "How long am I going to be here? Not that it isn't nice, but I don't like being away from our home."

Jack drew him into a soft embrace, "I hope it won't be long. With Tosh's and the team's help, I'm sure we can figure this out soon." He then brought his hand up to brush Ianto's cheek and place a sweet kiss to his lips. Ianto watched with unease as Jack returned to the SUV and drove away. Somehow, he knew this was going to end badly.

Rupesh could hardly believe what he was doing. He was having sex with a bizarre, possibly dangerous man he had only just met. John's legs were wrapped around his waist as Rupesh pounded into the unusual yet incredibly alluring man. Along his back, he could feel John's real hand as well as his inexplicable metal one. John was panting and occasionally swearing in a language Rupesh couldn't even recognize. As Rupesh began to increase his pace, John tightened around him and kissed him messily. John's tongue when combined with his intoxicating scent was making the young doctor's head swim as he was quickly approaching his climax.

"I'm gonna come." Rupesh said breathlessly.

John nibbled at his ear and purred seductively, "Come inside me."

"Are you . . . sure?" Rupesh asked between gasps.

John rolled his hips, "Oh yeah."

With each thrust he made contact with John's prostate hoping to bring them to a climax together. John's body was beginning to tremble under his and when he felt close, he plunged in deep, coming as his orgasm overtook him. John latched onto him desperately as he rode out his own orgasm and came onto their abdomens.

Rupesh collapsed onto his back, exhausted. John curled up next to him with his head on the doctor's shoulder. As they lay together, John ran his hand along Rupesh's smooth dark chest, "You have the most beautiful skin. Where were you born? These Welsh seem to all have pale complexions."

Rupesh cocked his head at John's odd question. He thought that his name was indication enough of his origins, "I was born in India. We moved here when I was three; my mother moved back last year when my father died."

In an almost childlike way, John asked, "India . . . does it have elephants?"

Rupesh laughed slightly, "Yes, they do have elephants."

"I want to see an elephant. Jack says they have them at the zoo, but I don't want to see one locked up."

"I thought you and Jack Harkness were a couple." Rupesh asked.

John sighed, "We were, a long time ago, but he only has eyes for Ianto now. Not that I can blame him; that boy is intoxicating."

John then sat up and pulled on his trousers, "Speaking of Jack, I need to get back to work." He picked up Rupesh's mobile, "I'm putting my phone number in here. We are definitely doing this again. I rather like you."

Smiling, John leaned down and placed a quick kiss to Rupesh's lips. He then stood and went into the bathroom. Rupesh looked at his mobile and felt a huge swell of guilt. Surprisingly, in the brief span of a morning, he had come to rather like John as well.

Upon returning to the Hub, John entered through the cog door whistling happily. However, his cheerful mood was in stark contrast to the grim atmosphere of the base. Owen cast him an angry glare but John smiled and tossed over the doctor's car keys. Owen snarled, "What part of grand theft auto do you fail to comprehend?"

John's smile only widened, "If it makes you feel any better, I just had some amazing sex in my new flat."

"Why on Earth would that make me feel better?" Owen snapped back.

John pouted, "Were you always this uptight or is it just the rigor mortis?"

At that point, Tosh decided to intervene, "John, I could use your help on these readings."

John cast one last teasing look at Owen and then joined Tosh at her station.

Soon Gwen entered through the cog door followed by a confused, disheveled old man. Very carefully, she guided him inside and introduced him to the team, "Everyone, this is Clem MacDonald. He has agreed to help us with our investigation into today's events. Clem, this is Toshiko Sato, John Hart, and Owen Harper."

Clem nodded at each of them but when he sniffed at Owen, his face went pale. He held out a shaking finger, "You . . . you're . . ."

"Dead?" Owen interjected.

Clem nodded nervously. John clapped his hands together in amusement, "He's good. Tell me something about me."

Clem sniffed at John and said softly, "You just had sex."

John laughed and patted the old man on the back, "He's very good. So tell us, friend, how long have you had this marvelous talent?"

Gwen interrupted, "If you don't mind, Clem, I'm going to tell my colleagues what you told me at the home."

Clem nodded and Gwen launched into the story of how when Clem was young he had been part of a group of orphans that were led to a deserted road in the middle of the night. After she had recounted the details, Owen began some examinations of their guest as John and Tosh continued to analyze the alien activity. With the way Jack had been acting and how he ordered the code yellow, Gwen wondered if he had anything to do with the events of Clem's childhood.

She had her answer when Jack returned to the Hub an hour later. As Gwen began to introduce Clem, the old man grabbed the gun from her holster and fired two shots into Jack's chest, killing him instantly. The old man was hysterical, shouting, "It's him! He's the one that took us! He hasn't aged!"

After Jack had revived and they calmed down Clem, Jack told reluctantly told them what had happened all those years ago. A heavy silence filled the room as the team tried to come to terms with Jack's actions. They were all brought out of their thoughts by John's mobile ringing.

Back at the hospital, Rupesh was called into a vacant examination room by Agent Johnson who had one officer with her working on a laptop. She was not pleased. She paced the room, glaring at Rupesh and spoke in a low, dangerous voice, "You were supposed to get in with Jack Harkness. He is the target. While John Hart is very interesting, he gets us nothing. He has no family, no government connections, not even a bloody birth certificate! It's like he appeared out of thin air. Your orders were to either bring us Harkness or gain entry into the Torchwood base. What happened? Harkness is known to sleep with anyone with two legs, why couldn't you do your job?"

Sheepishly, Rupesh answered, "He's in a committed relationship with someone named Ianto."

The officer at the laptop began searching the name and spoke, "Ianto Jones, former Torchwood agent and a survivor of Canary Warf. He currently resides here in the city in a house owned by Harkness."

Johnson went over to view the monitor, "He'll do. Bring him in and we'll have Harkness come to us. What's his current location?"

The officer continued to search and then smiled, "Oh, you are going to love this: he's currently with Harkness' daughter, Alice Carter and her son."

Johnson smiled as well, "Perfect. Bring all of them in. In the mean time, we'll need to dispose of Dr. Patanjali."

Johnson drew her weapon but Rupesh had fled the room. She ran after him with the other agent giving her his location over her com.

Once Johnson was preoccupied with looking at the information on Jack Harkness, he slipped out of the room and ran. He knew he didn't have much time. He felt bad about giving the information on Ianto Jones but he needed a distraction. Pulling out his mobile, he rang John. When the other man answered, Rupesh spoke quickly, "John, listen to me: Torchwood is in danger. I was hired by a government agency, I don't know who specifically, to gain access to Jack Harkness. They want to arrest him and they will do anything to get him. I don't have much longer, but please know that I never meant to hurt you, it wasn't part of the plan."

John was desperately trying to interrupt him and come to help, but Rupesh continued on, "Can you do me a favor? Please, tell my mother that I love her."

Just after Rupesh finished speaking, John could hear two shots ring out. There was a loud thump as the mobile went skidding along the corridor. In the distance, John could hear a woman's voice giving directions, "Get me a cleanup crew and a body bag."

The phone was then switched off and John was left with silence. Grimly, he lowered his mobile and turned to the team that was watching him intently. He put his hand to his head and breathed out slowly. After composing himself, he turned to Jack and spoke, "You were right, they want you out of the way."

During the next hour, the team scrambled to check for any movements outside the Hub. Tosh initiated all primary and auxiliary security protocols as the team armed themselves. No one was going to enter their base and leave in one piece. However, that wasn't how their enemy decided to attack. Tosh received a live one way video feed. While she worked to determine its source, Jack and the others watched nervously.

The background appeared to be an abandoned warehouse and a dozen guards with their faces covered stood behind three hostages. The hostages' mouths were gagged and their hands were bound behind their backs as they were positioned on their knees. Jack's stomach fell when he saw their faces; they were Ianto, Stephen, and Alice. Ianto's face was bruised and his lip cut; most likely he put up quite a fight when they were captured. Young Stephen was trembling with fear and his mother had tear stains down her cheeks.

A fit woman also with her face covered appeared in front of them and spoke in a chilly voice that John immediately recognized, "Captain Harkness, as you can see we have your daughter, grandson, and lover. You are to give yourself up immediately in exchange for their return. Come to the surface unarmed and unaccompanied so that you may be put under arrest. If there is any sort of action from any Torchwood members, the hostages will be killed. I will now prove that we are not bluffing." The woman then drew her handgun and fired a shot right through Alice's head. She crumbled to the floor, dead.

The transmission cut off immediately after. Gwen screamed in horror and Jack fell to his knees in shock. John rushed to his side and held him in his arms but no one could think of a word to say. Solemnly, Jack stood and removed his Webley, handing it to John. He also handed over his com device, mobile, and vortex manipulator. As he rose to the surface on the invisible lift, tears were streaming down his face. He spoke sadly as he ascended, "Tell Ianto that I'll come back . . . I always do."

When Jack reached the surface, he walked to the middle of the Plass with his arms held out. Suddenly a shot rang out from a distant sniper and he fell dead to the pavement. An armored vehicle wheeled around and several officers ran out to gather his body. Once he was secure in the vehicle, they shoved out the unconscious bodies of Ianto and Stephen, limbs bound with sacks over their heads. As the officers sped away, John sprinted out to the Plass, followed closely by Gwen and Owen. Tosh stayed behind to monitor where the vehicle was headed.

Chapter 2

jack/ianto, the battle of evermore, torchwood, when the levee breaks, au

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