
Jun 12, 2020 18:16

So yeah, this is mostly a fic journal. If you can't access an entry, it means that I haven't got round to finishing it yet and have locked it to me until I do.
Expect more crack pairings than you can shake a stick at. I'm always open to suggestions, just remember that I write slowly and get distracted easily.

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Comments 22

twitchytwitch August 30 2009, 02:19:53 UTC
Hi, it's Notepadoodler~!


laurelsblue August 30 2009, 08:40:32 UTC
Hi, Notepaddoodler!



twitchytwitch August 30 2009, 16:16:58 UTC
Why ever the heck not? x3

(or maybe friend me on my writing journal, sewnonheart)


laurelsblue August 30 2009, 16:24:54 UTC
Or maybe both!


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...Where did the notif for this go? laurelsblue December 8 2009, 19:54:00 UTC
I've seen that. *totally stalks that game*

Sure, I'd be happy to.


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subvertsweasels December 14 2009, 09:17:12 UTC
I noticed. :(

That's fine.


nthcoincident April 28 2010, 20:08:25 UTC
Hi there!

So I'm assuming you're the same laurelsblue who contacted me through FFN (I'm coincident there), and if so, that you're a fan of Shisui art. A friend and I have been trying to expand the fandom for the poor neglected guy, so she made a photobucket group for all the Itachi/Shisui art we've seen so far--I thought you might enjoy it, and also be able to use some for your RP'ing :)

Obviously there aren't a lot of pieces there right now...and most of them are mine (seriously, step it up, Shisui fandom!) but hopefully it'll clue people into the pairing's existence and pique their attention. And if you know any Itachi/Shisui art that's not there, feel free to add it!


Sorry this took so long. laurelsblue April 28 2010, 21:32:57 UTC
Yeah. I'm rather lazy and uncreative so I use the name laurelsblue practically everywhere.

Actually my constant and obssessive browsing of the interwebs has provided me with plenty of iconable Shisui art for RP purposes.

I have a bunch of Shisui art linkshere and here actually. Not all of them include Itachi though.

Katsukat and darizard on Tegaki have both drawn some very pretty Shisuis. Here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Whew. It's just a matter of looking in the right place.


redasatomato November 3 2010, 23:46:37 UTC
Umm... hey! I remember reading some fics of yours with Hana in them, and so, since it's been awhile since she was in the manga, I thought you might like to see this.

Just a panel, but I got pretty excited when I saw her. What do you think?


laurelsblue November 4 2010, 17:28:33 UTC
Oh, I saw that too! It surprised me that she was in the Special Ops division but I suppose they need trackers more than most of the others.


redasatomato November 5 2010, 02:38:31 UTC
She would be a good candidate in that case--with the three Haimaru brothers she'd be able to cover more ground than some in a sense. My guess for having her there is to provide a bit more into the brother-sister dynamic between Hana and Kiba. I mean, Tsume was paired up with Kiba back when Pein attacked Konoha, so maybe Kishimoto's giving her a turn now?


laurelsblue November 5 2010, 17:21:32 UTC
I really hope so!


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