Kushina and an unrealistic dream

Apr 10, 2011 22:22

I was thinking about Kushina as Hokage the other day and idly planning a fic where she has to deal with the Uchiha clan in the form of Fugaku complete with rampant UST when I realised something important: there was never any chance of her becoming hokage at all. There are two major reasons for this:
1. She was a foreigner.
2. She was a jinchuuriki.

I ( Read more... )

overthinking things, kushina, naruto

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Comments 7

nthcoincident April 12 2011, 23:48:52 UTC
/snuggles this mini-essay

I've thought about this too! I came to the conclusion that a major counterargument to the foreigner thing is Mito--she obviously didn't have too much trouble as a foreigner, to the point where she succeeded in landing Konoha's most eligible bachelor, and no one gives her descendants flack about it (if it were an issue, Tsunade would have gotten at least a little snide "YOU'VE GOT WHIRLPOOL BLOOD IN YOU GOAJFOAIFNFF RAEG RAEG" from the elders, but no one even brought it up).
This is obviously open to debate, though, given a few things:

-she saved the village's ass, she could have been a Martian and they'd have owed her one
-Hashirama might have married her against the village's will
-Konoha needed to be populated with foreigners, since it was an ad-hoc coalition village and it was to their best interests to attract foreign clans with unusual talents. Chances are that everyone in the village was some kind of foreigner and xenophobia simply could not have taken hold in a society like that. This is most likely ( ... )


laurelsblue April 13 2011, 11:57:19 UTC
I have no idea where it came from as my usual thoughts on Kushina tend to centre on her ridiculously long and impractical hair. I just look at it and think how on earth does she keep it looking like that and she's a NINJA for crying out loud that hair is just asking for trouble honestly has no one ever used it against her in a fight. (I've had nearly waist-length hair in the past and the only quick way of making it not look like I walked through a bush backwards was to keep it plaited all the time ( ... )


inkedfeathers May 14 2011, 17:10:39 UTC

I like my hair long (it's pretty much past waist length, aha), but it is troublesome, so I just keep it in a bun all the time!

... although, even while training, it'll no doubt come a little loose. Er...

Not to mention how gross it'd feel when you're all sweaty.


... waaah, well, she was a tomboy, so maybe she didn't care about that, but you're right about "wouldn't somebody use it against her?"

Just imagine grabbing her by the hair and spiiiiiiiiiiiinning her.

I totally lost my train of thought. Yeah. ^^;


laurelsblue May 14 2011, 21:30:43 UTC
How do you do it? I used to keep mine in a bun but it was always falling out and looked bad. A plait is much easier.

The amount of money she must spend on hair care products is ridiculous. Unless... She invented some sort of seal to keep her hair sweat/dirt-free. She wrote it on her hair-clip of course.

...Now I can't unsee that happening. Someone just grabbing her and. Spinning. Lol. That would make a hilarious comic.


k_undertoe December 6 2011, 03:46:14 UTC
Hrm, I don't know if the foreigner thing would be too too vital? I mean, all the villages are is collections of ninja tribes, so by adopting, assimilating other nearby peoples that might increase their power, especially if such individuals have strong blood (apparently the Uzumaki heritage is full of strength). Also, isn't the hokage supposed to be the strongest ninja (I know it isn't that easy, but it can't hurt to be in control of such power as having a bijuu) I think the kyuubi would be a bigger issue- surrounding being able to control it entirely and not being suspected of being taken over by the fox's trickery. Just a thought.

BTW, don't know why I haven't been watching you before!


laurelsblue December 13 2011, 17:42:59 UTC
In the founders' time, sure, but I imagine by Kushina's, the village had probably pretty much settled into its current form, in terms of clans.

Well, yes, but there are probably other factors too, particularly in a village with lots of strong people. For example, Jiraiya is quite strong but he's never mentioned as a candidate for Hokage (instead of Minato).


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