Title: Counting Stars Characters: Hanabi and Konohamaru Genre: General Rating: K Summary: Drabble for Hanabi's birthday. Hanabi gets interrupted while watching fireworks.
Thanks. You seriously would not believe the difficulty I had when I tried to find an idea that I could finish in time. I went through half-a-dozen permutations of Shisui/Hanabi (a pairing I should be shot for even considering possible) and a KonoHana-ish Hyuuga Massacre AU (Hanabi was the Sasuke to Konohamaru's Naruto >>;). I may end up writing them anyway.
Fortunately this idea turned up to save the day. <3
I love this, so clear and simple while conveying what you need it to! I like both of the other ideas you mentioned too, especiallyt eh Shisui/Hanabi, just so I could see how that would play out!
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Fortunately this idea turned up to save the day. <3
It would be an interesting relationship to say the least.
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