Torchwood - drabble - Bullets, Jack/Gwen, PG

Feb 27, 2010 22:59

Title - Bullets
Author - laurab1
Pairing - Jack/Gwen
Challenge - 141 Try Again on tw100
Rating - PG
Length - drabble, 100 words
Summary - Jack and Gwen, firing range
Spoilers - 1.3 Ghost Machine
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

by Laura

“You need to know how to use these. Though I hope you never have to.”

Jack wants her to be able to shoot. “I'm sorry, it's just ... I don't even kill spiders in the bath.” Glass and postcard, if she’s feeling brave. Otherwise, it’s glass, postcard and Rhys.

“Nor do I, not with a gun.”

Unsurprisingly, Gwen manages to point the loaded weapon at him -

“Target’s that way.”

- then the ceiling.

Oh, God.

She’d never particularly wanted to be a markswoman. But if she gets Jack’s heated touch, Gwen’s quite happy to try shooting again and again.

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