Title - Silvertongue
Author -
laurab1Characters - Jack, Iorek, Lyra
Rating - PG, gen
Length - 600 words
Spoilers - general series, The Subtle Knife
Summary - Iorek Byrnison does not know what this place is, with its stone and metal, but he does know it is not his world.
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!
Started for
omnijaxual, but ended up more gen.
by Laura
There could always be a more rational explanation.
Or, it could be that Lost, being, well, Lost (and Torchwood Three being Torchwood Three, and the Rift being the Rift) has apparently migrated out of the TV, turned itself on its head and become even more weird than the damn show.
The Rift Monitor went off; the CCTV’s showing Jack that he hasn’t just got a male polar bear on his patch, he’s got an armoured male polar bear on his patch. And an angry one at that, judging by the look on his face, the way he’s pacing up and down the Plass, again and again and again. Kinda fortunate it’s a really cold night, seems like he’ll have no drunks to retcon.
“Better go say hi, I guess.” Grabbing his greatcoat from the stand, he shrugs it on. Standing on the invisible lift, Jack watches the Hub fall away. “And ask the big guy where he came from. Because I sure as hell have no idea.”
There is sea, but there is no snow, no ice. No other Panserbjørn. Iorek Byrnison does not know what this place is, with its stone and metal, but he does know it is not his world. His armour feels strangely cold, heavy, wrong. A human male appears, and Iorek calms a little. He possesses no daemon, but Iorek can see that like him, he is a soldier, he wears armour. The long blue-grey coat sits well on him.
“I am Iorek Byrnison,” he quietly growls.
“Captain Jack Harkness, Iorek Byrinson,” the man instantly replies, with a calculating smile. “Not every day we get polar bears with the ability to speak around here, y’know.”
“I am a Panserbjørn, Captain Jack Harkness,” Iorek tells him, and the growl is louder, this time.
“And a mighty fine one, too, Iorek Byrinson.”
“You use the words and tone of a human who requires something, Jack… Silvertongue.”
The newly named Jack Silvertongue laughs. “Not been called that before, Iorek,” he says. Iorek can see and hear that is a lie. “You wanna tell me where you came from?”
“Where all Panserbjørn are, Svalbard. Where I am king.”
“Not the Svalbard we have, then, clearly.”
“It would appear not, Captain.”
“So how the hell did you jump universes, then? ‘Cause that shouldn’t be possible, anymore.”
Iorek is about to tell Jack Silvertongue about Lyra, Will, and the knife, when evidence of a window being cut appears in midair, followed by the children stepping through.
“Iorek!” Lyra cries, throwing herself against him. “The alethiometer told me you’d be here. Sorry you fell through our window.”
“Here I am, child. You and Will should have been more careful in sealing it, Lyra Silvertongue. Cut another one, Will, in order that we may go home.”
“You’re a Silvertongue, too?” Jack asks, as Will slices the air with the knife.
“Yeah,” Lyra replies.
“She is also practiced in telling lies and tall tales, Captain, so I re-named her Lyra Silvertongue.”
“Real name’s Lyra Belacqua.” The window in the sky is now open. “Come on!” she exclaims.
“Farewell, Jack Silvertongue.”
“Farewell, Iorek Byrnison,” Jack replies, with a salute.
Iorek follows Lyra through, and then Will, who seals the window behind them.
Jack’s left staring at nothing, after Iorek and the kids go, and there is no evidence of them ever having been on the Plass. He has to laugh. He was judged, learned hardly anything, and the whole encounter was over rather quickly, but no-one got hurt.
“Wish they were all that easy,” he says, walking across the Plass, making his way back inside.