Torchwood - fic - Weapons Of Choice, Jack & Tosh, 12

May 14, 2007 00:46

Title - Weapons Of Choice
Rating - 12
Characters - Jack & Tosh
Length - 400 words
Summary - Jack & Tosh, firing range
Challenge - teaching/school, on tw_flashfic
Spoilers - Ghost Machine (and Aliens of London/World War III)
Disclaimer - The BBC’s and RTD’s, not mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

Weapons Of Choice
by Laura

When she’s been at Torchwood Three for a week, Jack takes Toshiko down to the firing range.

There is a vast collection of weapons and ammunition on a table, targets all around the abandoned underground railway station. Some are standard guns, some quite clearly are not.

“You need to know how to use these,” he tells her, “though I hope you never have to.”

Which does of course mean she will be using them all the time.

“Goggles and a headset, Toshiko.” Jack points them out. “Then we’ll get started. And before you ask, yeah, some of these guns weren’t made by human hands. Fell through the Rift, got left behind, salvaged from wrecks, that kinda thing.”

“I had actually worked that out, Jack,” she says, looking up at him. It earns her a blinding smile.

“Good girl,” Jack replies.

“They’re not unfamiliar, at least. You headhunted me from UNIT, remember?”

“I do. That annoyed the hell out of them, losing you.”

He really is a smug, cocky, but incredibly good-looking bastard, her new boss. Grabbing the eye and ear protection, Toshiko smiles back, a little uncertainly. She watches Jack place the goggles over his eyes and the headset on his ears. Toshiko then puts on her own items. “Am I all right?” she asks.

Jack makes a few adjustments, then says, “Now, you are. Let’s go, Toshiko.”


He hands Toshiko gun after gun; semi-automatics, pistols, revolvers, alien blasters, instructing her on how to fire each one.

All the time, she’s being encouraged, touched; a hand over hers on the gun, positioning her arms correctly, a hand on her stomach so Jack can hold her body close to his, and ensure she gets the breathing right...


Toshiko fires her last couple of bullets, killing two more paper Weevils. She raises her arms in the air and beams at Jack. He smiles back at her.

She’s a little...turned on.

Possibly. It could just be an adrenaline high.

Thinking for a moment, and focussing the feeling, Toshiko decides that, no, it’s definitely arousal.

Brought about by Jack’s instruction, encouragement and touch.

And the guns.

Placing their weapons on the table, she and Jack take off their goggles and headsets. Toshiko can see that Jack’s pupils are suspiciously large and bright. He loved that as much as she did.

There could be far worse ways to be taught how to shoot, Toshiko thinks.


smut, jack, torchwood, het, fic

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