Torchwood/Doctor Who fic - A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet

Jan 04, 2007 02:23

I must babble about the Christmas TV, especially all the Beeb's fantasy stuff, but in the meantime, Jack!fic.

Title - A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet
Author - laurab1
Pairing - Jack/Jack
Rating - 12/PG-13
Size - 420 words
Spoilers - up to TW 1.12 and New Who 1.13
Summary - Despite what Shakespeare might have written, names mattered; Jack knew that now.
Alas, none of these people are mine.
Feedback is loved and appreciated. Enjoy!

A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet
by Laura

In the 51st century, everyone only had one name, first names and surnames having gone out with the 30th century.

So, the attractive young man with jet black hair and startling blue eyes had been known as Silver. His best friend was called Gold; precious metals were clearly the in thing in 5010.

In 5028, Silver and Gold went to war against the Daleks, and Gold died.


As he looks down at all the couples dancing, the man who now goes by Captain Jack Harkness thinks that’s what their names were, at least. With two years fried out of his adult brain by the Time Agency, some of his youth is also a little fuzzy.

Despite what Shakespeare might have written, names mattered; Jack knew that now. Names said who you were, who your family were, how your ancestors had earned their living. Jack hadn’t thought about that when he took the original Jack’s identity. He’d been too busy thinking about the con and an easy cover.

And when he and his team’d had to look after three people lost in time, Jack still hadn’t thought. Their names were all they'd had left, and it had been very selfish of him to attempt to take those away from them.


When they get back to 2008, it’s a strange mixture of guilt, pride and respect that Jack feels.

Saluting the first Captain Jack with Tosh and brandy, he feels guilty that he could, and had to, do nothing to save him. He’s also very proud that he took his name, but for a different reason to his initial one. And he’s proud of what they did, in front of all those airmen, sailors and girls. He respects his namesake for taking a chance, and dancing with another man in 1940s Wales. Their goodbye kiss was the sweetest, and saddest thing Jack had experienced for a very, very long time.

But it’s the very last action of the original Captain Jack Harkness that he has most pride and respect for. When he and Tosh say, “To Captain Jack,” Jack thinks about everyone else who has died, or lived, saving the world.

This vital, gorgeous place that a certain someone with a magic blue box loves so much.

Silver knows Gold was proud of him.

James knows Jack would be proud of him.

And Jack knows the Doctor is proud of him.

It’s the saving the world that’s the main thing, but who you do it as, and with, is still very important.


slash, dr who, jack, torchwood, fic, ninth doctor

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