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Comments 13

siluria November 20 2010, 11:14:31 UTC
I have such a big smile on my face :) It's been heartbreaking reading this, but this last part, even with it's angsty moments has such a perfect, sweet ending!


mijan November 20 2010, 20:16:52 UTC
Such a sweet ending after such a stressful story! I loved how you worked the non-physical beings into the story. I loved the episode-type feel you created... seemed like the sort of story that could be made into a real episode (minus the slash - family show, and all that... blah). Jim's emotions were visceral and raw, and you brought that to life really well.

I do apologize for not reading this sooner, but I was so busy with my damned Big Bang fic. But now, I got to read this all at once! Such a treat! :D

Thank you for the brilliant entertainment on a lazy Saturday morning. :)


elfsausage November 21 2010, 23:35:05 UTC
Perfect ending, bb :-) The whole story was just amazing.


sangueuk November 22 2010, 18:15:12 UTC
I've been reading this over the past couple of days and I just loved it! What a brilliant story - I knew it would have a happy ending, I trusted you, but I was still heart in mouth until the last chapter. Ans the end, Jim's angst and worry, his realisation of how much he needed Bones *sighs*, so romantic, so well done! Thank you, bb, for another amazing story!


weepingnaiad November 23 2010, 14:18:05 UTC
Oh, Jim! *squeezes him hard*

So glad he finally figured it out, even if he's still freaked out because it was too late. Fabulous that it wasn't really too late!

Nerve wracking, but wonderful story!

Glad they got the ending they both deserved.


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