Fic: Observer Effect (6/?)

Sep 29, 2010 19:51

Title: Observer Effect
Author: laughter_now
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy, with a smidgeon of Sulu/Chekov thrown in if you stand on your toes and squint
Disclaimer: I keep wishing for them, but I still don't own anything.
Summary: There's something down on that planet. Something no human ever encountered before. The Observers have watched many ( Read more... )

fanfic, h/c bingo, rating: pg-13, fic: observer effect, star trek xi, kirk/mccoy, slash

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Comments 12

tocourtdisaster September 29 2010, 18:49:25 UTC
Oooh! This was very good! :D We're getting to my favorite part of the episode and I'm really looking forward to seeing how you handle it. :)


laughter_now October 8 2010, 18:23:43 UTC
And I promise I'm working on it. Dratted job had me move out from home temporarily, and I don't adapt well to change. But I'm getting there, and the next one is nearly done.


emiliglia September 29 2010, 19:06:01 UTC
I'm going to be shredding my fingernails while waiting for the next part. Eep!


laughter_now October 9 2010, 15:03:18 UTC
I sincerely hope you have at least some of them left. I promise I'm working on it...


abigail89 September 30 2010, 01:35:32 UTC
YIKES!! Chekov!!

*bites nails*


laughter_now October 9 2010, 15:04:04 UTC
Please don't hold me responsible for all those shredded nails, I'm really trying to work on it. But I've been forced to share a room for the past week, and apparently I don't write well without any privacy at all.


weepingnaiad September 30 2010, 04:35:42 UTC
*covers eyes* I do not, will not, cannot believe that anything will happen to Chekov. Nope. No way. He'll be fine. They'll both be fine. I'm going to just be repeating that until the next chapter.


laughter_now October 9 2010, 15:04:50 UTC
As far as mantras go, you most certainly didn't pick the worst one. ;-) I'm working on it, life if just making things difficult right now. But I'm working on it.


file528 September 30 2010, 13:39:18 UTC
"Doc, he's not breathing. "



laughter_now October 9 2010, 15:05:01 UTC
*walks off whistling*


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