Herman Bachman (he translated "The Messenger" into German) replied to my previous message. Below is his message and the one I've sent to present hotel owners (with
google translation).
Hi Kostya,
I'm a little bit busy at the time. But I can give you the coordinates of 2 places. They are:
47° 54' 11.87" N; 8° 08' 41.84" E - Hotel Rauchfang (his parents hotel)
47° 54' 10.20" N; 8° 08' 22.74" E - The pond called Eisweiher
47° 54' 12.85" N; 8° 08' 51.65" E - School
(the only one in Titisee close to the hotel)
I have these information out of 'Google Earth'.
I don't really know about the other two places. That information you have to get from Klaus. Give him the coordinates from the pond and he can mark the places.
As soon as I have more time I will look for some decent pictures from the pond. Maybe I even find some pics from the road to the pond and maybe it is the road on which Klaus went with his cart.
Pictures and information about the hotel (Rauchfang) are obtainable from
hotel site.
I hope this helpes
Sehr geehrte Hotel Rauchfang Eigentümer,
Ist das richtig, dass in 1950-1960 Sie Ihr Hotel war im Besitz von Joehle Familie?
Ich bin neugierig, weil Klaus Joehle ist Sohn von Hotel Eigentümer. Sein Vater gehört ein Hotel irgendwo in Ihrer Stadt. Und es scheint, dass Sie der Eigentümer dieses Hotel jetzt.
Klaus Joehle ist Autor des Buches "Living On Love - The Messenger" Buch über die Liebe. Das
Buch ist jetzt ins Deutsche übersetzt von Hermann Bachmann.
Klaus Joehle Bücher sind sehr beliebt in Russland. Also Ihr Hotel Mai zu einer touristischen Attraktion. Das ist gut für Sie.
Wissen Sie, wenn Sie den Namen Ihres Hotels hat sich von dem Zeitpunkt an war es im Besitz von Joehle?
Haben Sie Fotos links aus den alten Zeiten der yout Hotel?
Kostya Kovalenko
Dear hotel Rauchfang owner,
is that correct that in 1950-1960 your hotel was owned by Joehle family?
I'm curious because Klaus Joehle is son of hotel owner. His father owned a hotel somewhere in your town. And it seems that you own this hotel now.
Klaus Joehle is author of "Living On Love - The Messenger" book about love. This book is now
translated into German by Hermann Bachmann.
Klaus Joehle books are popular in Russia. So your hotel may become a tourist attraction. This is good for you.
Do you know if the name of your hotel has changed from the time it was owned by Joehle?
Do you have any photos left from the old times of yout hotel?
Kostya Kovalenko