Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own, a Supernatural Fic

Nov 14, 2014 17:00

Title: Sometimes You Can’t Make it On Your Own
Author: LaueHime
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, family.
Rating: PG
Characters: Dean, Sam.
Word count: ~ 3,600
Warnings: Language as usual.
Summary: Pre-series. Stanford era. Dean has always been good at taking care of Sam. How can he do that if Sam is at Stanford?
Disclaimer: The show belongs to Kripke.
A/N: ( Read more... )

preseries, drunk, sick!dean, supernatural, fic, depression, comment fic meme, prompt, awesome!brothers, angst!dean, hurt/comfort

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Comments 14

strgazr04 November 15 2014, 03:43:45 UTC
Love this! I can just picture Dean deteriorating like this as he hates being alone. I hope you write a sequel to this. Very well done.


lauehime November 15 2014, 04:04:53 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it. I'm also thinking that a sequel is not out of the question :)
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate that xo


anonymous November 15 2014, 12:56:15 UTC
Loveeeddd it! Yeah im keen for more depressed!dean caring!sam please this is begging to be continued :)))


lauehime November 16 2014, 02:48:35 UTC
Thank you!! I'm so glad you liked it! Your words make me want to keep going too :)


spn_bookworm November 15 2014, 13:21:20 UTC
Holy moly, rip my heart out and carve into it, why don't you? I gotta admit, I got all misty eyed reading this. The idea of Dean getting depressed, neglecting food, feeling isolated because the one person he bonded with isn't there anymore is so freaking plausible. And so damn heart breaking.
I absolutely loved how you wrote this. Especially Dean finding little ways and excuses just to see his baby brother.
Loved this so so much!! :) Brilliant work :D

*hurries off to read it again*


lauehime November 16 2014, 02:52:46 UTC
Thank you so much <3 I'm glad you found it plausible! Knowing that Dean wouldn't live without Sam, I wanted to explore what it would be like for him to do so.

Your words made my day! You're so kind! Thank you for the feedback :)


bluesock5 November 15 2014, 14:33:35 UTC
This was so sweet and sad. I love it when Sam takes care of Dean too, so thank you for that.

“I know you can. I guess I’m just used to doing it, you know?” This part really grabbed me, such a little line, but so poignant.


lauehime November 16 2014, 02:56:09 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! I gotta say, Dean is an amazing big brother and all but I do enjoy when the positions are reversed as well. Dean really is used to doing that.. I guess it's why I like it so much when he lets his brother take over.

Thanks again for the feedback, I really appreciate that :)


zana_zira November 21 2014, 18:54:31 UTC
lauehime November 24 2014, 03:13:36 UTC
I love your image of Dean being a mama bird! It's exactly how I imagine him without his kid, too. I'm glad my description of it worked for you.
Thank you for reading and leaving such sweet feedback! I really appreciate that :)


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