There Are no Great Redeemers, a Supernatural Fic

Nov 09, 2014 00:01

Title: There Are no Great Redeemers
Author: LaueHime
Genre: Horror, Angst.
Rating: Mature
Characters: Dean, Sam
Word count: ~ 4,800
Warnings: Spoilers for 10x02 and 10x03,[Spoiler for the story]character death, foul language, dark humor and a general sense of doom with a side dish of dark imagery. In other words, this is not a happy story (it’s quite tragic, actually).
Summary: ( Read more... )

death, supernatural, fic, season 10, angst!dean, hurt!dean, angst!sam, deanmon

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Comments 14

zana_zira November 9 2014, 05:54:31 UTC
lauehime November 9 2014, 06:11:31 UTC
Thank you so much for your incredible feedback!! I really appreciate it!

I have to say that in a way, I hope you're right about the Deanmon being dormant because I kinda liked him (even if that may sound wrong or sadistic). He's also the one only thing that can push Sam to do the unthinkable. It's not just about sacrificing himself but also about facing what he's ready/not ready to do for his brother. Considering he pretended he wouldn't save Dean during last season, Deanmon really shed some light about the fact that Sam can't do that (even if he tries to convince himself).

But you're right, it would shatter Dean beyond repair to know just how much Sam really blames himself for everything that happened. It has before and it would again (Dean would've seen it when he said Sam's life 'sucked the life out of his', had he been Dean at that moment).

I'm still waiting for the big breakdown and playing different scenarios in my head. I'm glad you liked the fic! And your reflection led me to my own :) So thanks for all of it <3


borgmama1of5 November 9 2014, 05:59:09 UTC
Oh, man, I'm reading this and thinking 'that's why Sam didn't use his own blood, he didn't want to be physically weakened' but I never thought of the trials being reactivated and you just killed me!!!


lauehime November 9 2014, 06:19:28 UTC
Sorry about that *bringing you back to life* :) Thank you for your words!! I did wonder why Sam wouldn't use his blood for the cure. And doesn't the blood need to be purified? I thought maybe that was just me focusing too much on the little details, but it did strike me as odd. After that, it was just a matter of having fun with my imagination. Thanks for taking time to read and comment, it means so much to me!


sw0rdy November 9 2014, 07:01:21 UTC
Ouch ouch ouch!

That was beautifully written and I'm completely with you - I've not seen enough of Demon Dean yet for that storyline to be over.

Thanks for sharing!


lauehime November 9 2014, 16:37:25 UTC
Thank you so much for your kind words!!

And you're right, Deanmon just CAN'T be gone for good.

I appreciate that you took time to read and comment; it means a lot <3


reggie11 November 9 2014, 10:30:23 UTC
So very tragic. There were a number of reasons I came up with, while watching, why Sam didn't use his own blood to cure Dean, the biggest being the trials. Also, the fact that losing blood would weaken him when he needed to be at his strongest. The fact that Sam still feels his blood is tainted even if it was blessed - he'd risk it on Crowley but not his precious brother. And last but not least, they hinted in Soul Survivor that the boys have different blood types. It wouldn't have mattered with Crowley because Crowley was physically possessing his 'meatsuit' and no doubt person the body belonged to is long dead. But it would have been tragic for Sam to have cured Dean only to have him die from hemoltytic failure ( ... )


lauehime November 9 2014, 17:02:40 UTC
Thank you!!!! <3

I have to agree with the reasons you've listed for Sam not using his blood. He does say that he found Dean's blood type in the blood bank. And if he had used his, I'm not sure he would've been able to duck the hammer directed at his head.

I'm glad you liked where I took this story even if that was a painful read! (It was hard to write too; I don't really enjoy killing characters I love..!). I kept thinking about the resolve Sam displayed throughout the first episodes; while Cole was torturing him and when he spoke to Crowley, for instance. I really felt like he was determined to do anything.

I think you're right, once again, about what Sam meant when he said he wouldn't save Dean. In the episodes after that, many of his actions spoke volumes. He would always do anything given the opportunity :)

I'm so happy that you liked this and thank you for your wonderful words!! xo


spn_bookworm November 9 2014, 13:51:07 UTC

Oh my god this was utterly heart breaking.
I love how vague it was in the beginning with the reader just trying to figure out who is who.
And from there it just kept ripping small pieces of my heart apart. One after another.
I loved this. There are many reasons that came to mind when Sam didn't use his own blood to cure Dean. I feel like one of them was definitely reactivating the trials. Even though I was a bit confused there since Sam would have to recite that Enochian spell after the demon was cured. But the trial sickness could have come back. Who knows. Maybe Sam didn't want to risk it. And the reason could also be that even after all these years Sam still thinks his blood is tainted. Not pure.
*cries for a 100 years*

I loved that the characterisation was perfect here. I'm kind of a stickler for characterisation because if they don't read like Sam and Dean, it just puts me off I guess. Demon Dean was startlingly well done. Oh my god I had goosebumps up my arms.

And lastly, I cried. Because I kind of expected the ending. Sam ( ... )


lauehime November 9 2014, 17:25:12 UTC
Thank you so much !!! <3

Your review really pushed my reflection farther (and ouch, that hurt right in the feels!). I love to read about how people reflect on my stories and what thought process they go through. Your not the first one to mention the fact that Sam thinks his blood is tainted. I hadn't even thought of that and God it hurts!

I'm sorry I made you cry *leans in to hug you*. I know the last image is heartbreaking.. I didn't want to detail it too much because I don't think I would've been able to write more without falling apart myself!!

Yes, when I wrote it, I had in my head that Sam had taken the time to untie Dean before crawling out of the room. It seemed obvious to me that even in excruciating pain, Sam would think of Dean first and make sure he didn't wake up stuck to a chair.

Your words made me really happy! Thank you for your kindness :)
Don't worry about being busy, I can totally understand that! Come around whenever you can; the meme will still be there, waiting.

Take care xo


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