The Kids Are Alright, a Supernatural Fic

Sep 06, 2014 01:01

Title: The Kids Are Alright
Author: LaueHime
Genre: Angst, Drama, some Hurt/Comfort
Characters: OC narrator, Dean, hints of John and Sam
Word count: Approximately 4,600
Summary: Oneshot. Wee!chesters. Outsider POV. How can life be so cruel to human beings as fragile as kids? It doesn’t happen often, but I know them when I see them. I hadn’t seen one in a ( Read more... )

preseries, outsider pov, angst!dean, supernatural, bigbro!dean, wee!chesters, fic

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Comments 8

liliaeth September 6 2014, 11:25:16 UTC
poor Dean. makes me wonder though what the oc figured out.


lauehime September 6 2014, 14:07:33 UTC
Considering what we know, this question has many answers :)
I think she mostly figured out that she'd never know about any of it because Dean wasn't willing to tell. Smart kid he is!
Thank you for reading xx


bluestar3317 September 6 2014, 13:49:07 UTC
I enjoyed your wee!Dean story. Great job. Thanks for sharing.

However, it's left me with a question... What did Jimmy's father do, that enraged Dean? I thought the teacher might've found out and she would've shared with the class. ;)


lauehime September 6 2014, 14:13:51 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I really appreciate your words.

As for your question, I like to think that it wasn't much what Jimmy said that set Dean off. Considering his own relationship with his missing father, he wouldn't like to hear someone else brag about how wonderful his relationship with his dad is. The teacher didn't find out the details, but I guess she figured out that whatever went on between Dean and John, it wasn't something Dean wanted to share with the class so he made sure he didn't ;)

But really, you can find your own explanation :P

Thanks for reading xx


gypsy_atavari September 6 2014, 15:05:22 UTC
I really like a good OPV story of the boys' lives. It's interesting to note what they see and how they interpret it. :-)


lauehime September 6 2014, 16:42:55 UTC
Yes, I totally agree with you! I'd never tried it before that, but I read some amazing ones from equally amazing writers.
I'm glad you found mine interesting :) Thank you so much for reading xx


reggie11 September 6 2014, 17:17:57 UTC
Great Outsider POV. I think it makes for a great way to tell a weechester story because, as you've shown here, it's impossible for them to know the real situation, but I would imagine the boys would have stood out like sore thumbs to anyone that ever really noticed them. Their lives were so nomadic and harsh and no matter how much they tried to blend in or fly under the radar, they would have been a sad sight to behold. Nicely done.


lauehime September 6 2014, 17:42:05 UTC
Yeah, exactly! With all the moving around, they wouldn't be the kind to make friends (not that they would've had time to) and what's the point of even trying if you know you're just going to leave again?
I'm glad you liked my story! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and for the great feedback. I really appreciate it :)


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