Ohmygod, this time I am going to whine without shame because, well... because. But first, and in case you are nor interested in artistic rantings, here's the final version of the second pic I've drawn for the amazing Inception Reverse Bang (which some of my friends suggested sounded like a gangbang but the other way around -difficult to visualize when you're into slash and all the characters come with the same equipment, but still). If you find it intriguing,
go and read the story that the amazing, wonderful, fabulous mizzy2k has written for it! And now, without further ado...
And this might be the first time that, instead of a close-up, I offer a zoom out. Because the brush strokes are less noticeable that way and because it makes the light nicer. I think.
And now, the whining.
Not that I'm not moderately happy with the final result even with the ugly digital brushstrokes (blending? What's that?), but the fact is that my intention was to draw this on paper and color it with watercolors (oh, comfort zone, I love you so...!), but then I came across my inability to reproduce the sketch had first made. This was actually unexpected, because even if it always happens, in the end I usually make it work out, maybe losing freshness but improving the poses and the perspectives (and even with the differences, the expressions more or less remain).
But this time I just couldn't. And it frustrated me. And today, because I couldn't stall anymore, I was so set on achieving my goal that I made two fucking holes in the paper from the continuous drawing-erasing process. I don't know how familiar with the stuff you are, but watercolor paper is fucking thick. Not that the holes are totally through, but I managed to take away the first layer of the paper and it was horrible and ugly because, of course, they were more or less where the eyes should be. That's when I said "fuck it" and went back to the initial sketch. That, because my computer is on the verge of exploding, I had actually deleted from my hard drive (it's in my external back-up, but that's in Spain, country where I'm currently not in).
I refused to cry and took the small, lousily shadowed version I used for showing to my potential writers at the comm Reverse Bang . And started painting digitally with Photoshop, which is something I've tried before with horrifying results (that's why my style with the computer is usually plain colors, generally applied with the pen, which is a wonderful tool, unlike the brush which is a fucker). But, for some reason, even if it started in quite the terrible manner (to the point that I considered using a tacky filter to make it less horrible), I somehow started getting the hang of it (IT'S THE OPACITY, GUYS). The walls of the safe are the first thing I did and that's why they're the part that sucks the most. But, well, I think I'm more or less happy with the final result, which is a first for my digital painting (even if I still don't understand Tom Hardy's physiognomy).
And all this long rambling is just a long winded excuse to explain why I AM SO INCREDIBLY LATE EVEN IF MY WRITER MIZZY2K IS TOTALLY AMAZING and managed to post the story on time.
And now I'm going to bed because it's 4am and I'm beat.
Edited to say: Dreamwidth, I love you for many reasons, but your habit of messing up the lj-cuts when there is more than one pic behind them drives me nuts.
Also posted at
http://lauand.dreamwidth.org/115329.html, if you'd rather read it there or want to enter a discussion with