Title: Black Box Memories
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Jack, Eleven, Amy, Face of Boe, Novice Hame
Rating: PG
Summary: A hundred years after the events of Children of Earth, Jack has a favor to ask of the Doctor
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood, Doctor Who or any of its characters. If I did, there wouldn't be a need for fan fiction.
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Comments 27
You broke me.
This was just so beautiful.
I don't usually like "Jack = FoB" stories, 'cause really, hasn't the poor man gone through enough without becoming a head in a jar, but every so often one comes along that is just too good. I've discovered I tolerate them a bit more when they're CoE compliant (surprising, really, given that I'm still in denial over it) because I guess I like the idea that he's still thinking of Ianto *hopeless romantic*
I'll admit, after I got over the shock of it, I was a little leery about how that was possibly going to work, but like you, every so often there are fics that make it work. And, obviously, I too am a fan of those that have him thinking of Ianto even after thousands of years.
I lasted until the last line. And that broke me.
It's comforting, though, to know that he not only remembered Ianto, but tried so hard to remember everything he could when the memories inevitably started to fade.
Well done. Off to read your fix-it now. :)
Thank you for reading both fics!
This is beautiful, though.
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