Question for infirmary types and Angelica!

Mar 04, 2011 07:08

So, subsequent to the events of this log, I think Mal's going to be waking up in the infirmary today with a case of death-toll. And she is not going to be happy about it. There may be screaming and breaking things.

Who wants to volunteer for damage control? Obviously if Angelica has hovering there worriedly waiting for the lady to wake, she gets dibs-Gels, it's entirely up to you.

And if anyone wants to arrange threads and other plottage for Mal for later, hit me up here.

Also, allow me to take this moment to thank Ang, Gwen, and Gels for their bang-up writing on that log. You're awesome. ♥ ♥ ♥

(And I'll be taking care of Elric's tags today. Thanks for your patience, everyone!)


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