(no subject)

May 10, 2010 16:35

Alrighty! So on the 13th and 14th (this Thursday and Friday) Armand will be on a 'placebo' shot of nanomites. What does this mean? He'll think he's got his full strength and abilities back and is going to be on the prowl. This means that he's going to be hunting, in a very literal sense. He's going to be killing people and leaving their corpses at Rex's door (like a cat lol) as both a)a sign of his creepy affection and b)trying to show Rex he's incompetent.

Anyway! So far, the list is:

Armand St. Just - Friday, afternoon
Sgt. Neil Howie - Thursday, morning
Bruce Banner - Friday, morning
Karrin Murphy - Thursday, afternoon
47 - Thursday, evening
Baby Firefly - Friday, early morning
Danny Archer - Thursday, night

If anyone else would like to be added, let me know and we can spam/log/assume to your heart's content as long as it's in that 48-hour time frame.

Also, Friday evening is reserved for turning Rex and a cagematch fight with Louis.

Also, my teeth are all clean now and no cavities, huzzah!


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