Now that approval has been had: THE NANOMITES PLOT IS OFFICIAL. Because I'm lazy and already did a write up on it, you can see what I'm talking about
The short of it is: Cobra Commander wants to conduct hideous experiments on your superpowered inmate freaks. What's going to happen is he's going to (while obscuring his identity somehow; I STILL haven't figured it out yet, but it might involve... a certain costume. In the icon. Maybe. He's really bad at being a supervillain.) INJECT YOU WITH A HELPING OF NANOMITES. For the first 24 hours, they'll remain dormant and basically collect like, baseline info on your body/health/etc and transmitting it back to his handy dandy Blackberry of evil (or whatever it is he uses to control the nanomites). Then, after the first day, they'll activate, having one of two effects on your abilities:
1. Complete restoration of your abilities. Note that for god-like characters, this will obviously have diminished effects, since it wouldn't really... be good for the entire Barge to suddenly get insta-pwned by like, an angry god.
2. Horrible, hideous side effects as your body/abilities react unexpectedly to the nanomites. This is loose and up to player interpretation.
The effects will only last for about 24-48 hours, while the nanomites do their thing and collect/transmit info, then they self terminate, and you go back to standard Barge restrictions/stop vomiting up blood and tiny robots/stop dying.
Please note that magical abilities will be less likely to work in harmony with the nanomites, given that... I don't know what makes magic... work. I mean, the nanomites are basically doing repairs/augmentations at the physical level, so if your abilities don't come from a genetic/biological source, I don't know how to science BS it. If anybody has any ideas (I AM HORRIBLE WITH SCIENCE, HAVE I TOLD YOU YET?), I'll hear 'em out.
Rex has already asked McCullen to get him a list of everybody with super powers, but just for the sake of easier coordination, what I need is:
Bear in mind that Rex has to have some way of knowing/finding out about your abilities before you can be chosen for the experiment, so if your character hasn't made mention of it in public/to him/anywhere it can be inferred, then he won't think to go after you.
I'm not 100% decided on whether volunteers should be ambushed or willing, but I'll work it out as soon as I get a feel for who wants to get stabbed with a needle.
When's this plot going to happen? Basically, whenever's convenient for each volunteer. This isn't an event with set dates, so much something that's going to occur in the background of day to day Barge life. People will notice abilities temporarily flaring up, but otherwise can go about their business. So, we'll schedule things on a one-on-one basis. This shouldn't interfere with other events, like Akio's duelling game.
Also, your character can find out it's him, and I don't care if he gets beaten up/threatened over it. Just please don't expose him unless it's like, unavoidable, because this is the groundwork for a future plot D:
Also. ARMAND, THIS PART IS SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU. Rex actually has something ~special~ designed for you, because he doesn't want you to go into molestation overdrive when he sees if his robot babies can restore your strength. So, in your nanomites he basically programmed the same thing he programmed into Destro's in the film: HORRIBLE HIDEOUS SHOCKS OF PAIN IF YOU TRY TO HARM HIM. Obviously, whether it even works or not is up for discussion. But. That's why he was so eager to get you to agree :c
Like the others, what he's scheming for you will self-terminate after 24-48 hours.
Destro, this means he's going to stab you next, if the shock treatment on Armand works.